Little Reapers

Little Reapers are a species of plants found on Alvunne Continent and on the Home Planets. They grow on magical Driftstone buildings and materials when they're ill-maintained. When their tiny seed pods get stuck in between gaps and cracks in the material, they sprout. Little Reapers are considered a weedy pest by many as they feed on the slowly withering magical essence found inside the Driftstone.   On Alvunne, one can find most of these plants in the ruins of Dorhas. Even though they grow on magical materials, they don't possess magical powers themselves. This is why they are also called the Fake Poppy.  

Fake Poppy

Little Reapers were first known as Red Poppies, as they visually resembled the Grey Poppy and Blue Poppy but with a red flower. They only grow on magical Driftstone rock, so they were mistakenly seen as a magical plant species.   Not long after their discovery, however, their name was changed to 'Little Reapers', and they are also known as the 'Fake Poppy'. It was clear Little Reapers held no magical powers and they were quickly classified as weeds and even a pest in some areas.  

Effects on Driftstone materials

As Little Reapers drain Driftstone's magical essence, the stones become brittle and prone to collapsing. Needless to say this renders the materials useless over time.   Even though Little Reapers are thus seen as a degenerative pest by most, something can be said for the process of returning the materials back to nature. And some say mixing soil with this Driftstone remnant in the form of powder might even benefit fertility.  
"That's how you get Reapers!" - exclaimed by the 13th Omniarch of Liburu.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Little Reapers grow and spread quickly. The best way to prevent decay in your magical Driftstone material is by preventing them from rooting. Maintain pillars, walls and structures well and fill up gaps and cracks. This way, the tiny seed pods have less chance to sprout.   Do you come across a building block that is too far gone? Replace it and make sure to prevent the seed pods from releasing once the magical essence has fleeted from the block.

Biological Cycle

The plants only grow in specific locations. They feed on magical residue. Once their roots can't reach more residue, they die off and release thousands of tiny seed pods into the air. They drift, land and are blown up again for years. Once they reach a new place to bloom, their roots quickly dig deep into the Driftstone material.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Little Reapers can be found in areas where human activity is diminished. Think abandoned buildings or unused Driftstone quarries. On Alvunne their presence is limited, except in the ruined city of Dorhas, where the plants can be found in abundance and serve as a delicacy.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6 cm


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Aug 9, 2024 22:14

I love the imagery of these little reapers; you’ve made it so easy to visualize them. The concept of them feeding off magical residue is incredibly unique and captivating.

Aug 15, 2024 12:46 by Aldus Ken

Thanks! It was an interesting new idea that popped up thanks to the Summer Camp prompt. The real Mahi-touched plants do generate magic though ^^ Did you write for Summer Camp as well?

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!
Aug 15, 2024 15:41

I will need to read more about your world. I did write Some entries for Summer Camp I got a late start though so I only completed 23 articles.

Aug 15, 2024 20:22 by Aldus Ken

Oh, very welcome to read more! It's all very much a work in progress tho ^^ 23 is still a bunch! I was on holiday and had a very late start as well. Only managed 9 :s Do link me your articles or your favourite. I am looking for articles to do the Reading Challenge on my Twitch stream (aldus_Ken) next Thursday ^^

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!
Aug 16, 2024 16:50

I am not certain what kind of content yuu want but i found these both fun to write, I'll defintely have to check out your stream!   Gramma Nut   Honey Peach Tart

Aug 17, 2024 09:59 by Aldus Ken

I'm trying to read different articles in different categories, so I'll go for Gramma Nut next week. Looking forward to that! & you're very welcome to join the worldbuilding & writing talks ^^

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!