Myrreos' Longest Journey - The Missing King

Myrreos wasn't sure where he'd be going next...

Maha Aehir and welcome. Join me for the very first story set in the Alvunne Saga. It is not the main story and actually, it is one I cannot possibly know the outcome of. That's because a higher power is at work here. Someone else is calling the shots. So let's title this one: Myrreos' Longest Journey.  

Myrreos II til Ferinta

First, you need to know a little more about Myrreos. He's no regular Alvunnian. He's the King of Ferinta, one of the main city-states on the Continent. At least he was until he walked away nine days ago. His mother had just passed on the crown and the family Talisman to him. While this might sound like a reason for celebration, she had also passed away. Together with her husband, Myrreos' father.   They had been on the way back from a diplomatic mission to the influential Liburu city-state. The trip took an awry turn when bandits overran the travel company on a road through Tsintal. You must know that the Ferintans and the Tsintali have been at odds for generations. Needless to say many suspected the attack was politically motivated even if there was no proof.   Now that you know a bit more about his situation, let's see what Myrreos is up to.
Plot type
Story Challenge entry: The Longest Journey
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Myrreos til Ferinta
Character | Oct 5, 2024

Part I: The Exposition


Peace at Pervalme Village

A soft breeze soothes the heat of the Sun Mimic in the Alvunne sky. Even though clouds are drawing nearer, the shadows they cast are still far out over the endless plains and hills in the south. The best place to be is in the soft shadows cast by the young trees dotted around the village. Villagers and visitors stroll about through the red cobble stone streets, their daily or long term goals on their minds.     And where is our friend at? Let's see, hm? Ah, there he is, mixed in with a goup of people - he should get rid of that mysterious hood if you ask me. They're all listening to someone talking aloud and with grand gestures. I'm assuming they're tourists, listening to a guide. Yes, there's time for this in the world of Alvunne.     Let me summarize the guide's Hatilan speech. Pervalme is known as a village of refuge. Maybe even THE village of refuge. The village rises about two hundred metres above the otherwise flat surrounding plain. This has made its location of strategic importance. People often come here to find peace, and many a treaty has been discussed here. It is said that a new gathering will take place here soon. The Grand Mayor has even ordered a few more inns be built. As if there weren't enough so far, hm?      

Vengeance & Grain

Wouldn't it be grand to visit Pervalme one day... I've heard that Pervalmen don't ask questions. They respect your journey and your story. Really a place for weary travelers - But what is Myrreos doing? Don't tell me - He's not paying attention at all. What a miss!     Let's be understanding though. I bet he's thinking about his parents. It must be hard on anyone to lose both their parents in one night. After their murder, the city-state of Ferinta had been in utter turmoil. While Myrreos had been in mourning, most officials were seeking to avenge their Queen's death. In fact, plans were being formulated to sabotage a dam. Not in one go, oh no. Slowly, piece by piece. Tsintal shouldn't be able to recognize it as an act of vengeance. The superstitious Tsintali would have to see it as an act of the god Aehir. An act to keep them in line and worshiping them.     Only a handful of officials considered peaceful mourning and de-escalation. But even they wanted to send a strong message of warning to Tsintali officials. They would request one shipment of grain as a token of goodwill. A proposition Tsintal would be fully on board with in my opinion. But who am I.      

A Talisman way to escape

Myrreos had been in every meeting, and in every war council. He would soon make a decision, but then, one morning, he woke up and snuck out in the dead of night. He'd only carried limited supplies and his Talisman. This one was made of Igneous Lazuli and imbued with a Lightshade flower which meant it held incredible power.     You must know that the royals of Ferinta were revered by their people. Their faces were on coins and pillars, their family crest on temples and monuments. Even inns and ship captains hung their portraits in the public quarters. So, our friend Myrreos needed to come up with a plan if he didn't wish to be recognized. That's where the Talisman came in.     Myrreos channeled the the power of the Talisman to change his face. It was a painful process but lasted only about a minute. He wasn't a sorcerer though and a complete noob at channeling essence through the Talisman. So he had to cover up his slightly new face with a mysterious hood before taking off - on a 9 day trip to Pervalme.      

A garden with a view

Did I mention that I love the views of Pervalme? Oh, it seems our wayward king has left the tourist group. I'm assuming the guide realized Myrreos didn't pay for the tour. A soft wind breezes through his hair and growing beard as he strolls through the tight streets of the village. A few first raindrops evaporate on the hot cobble stones and slate roofs.     Myrreos arrives at one of the typical Pervalme cliffside gardens. Many villagers own or share a small garden just on the edge of the cliff. It's a place where they can stare into the distance and contemplate life. It seems Myrros would like to go and sit down in one as well. But even though most of these gardens lack gates, he's learned it is courtesy to ask a local if it's fine to enter. So he did pay attention earlier! He nods at a scruffy old lady.  
"Can I ..." He asks.
  The lady nods with a subtle smile on her face. Did she recognize the king of Ferinta?
Who can tell with these Pervalmen. They don't ask questions. I'm curious where Myrreos will go next.


Author's Notes

This is an entry for the 'The Longest Journey' challenge by Tyrdal.  
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      The header is one of my first AI experiments within Canva.

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