
Pervalme is a village located on the most northern and highest plateau in the Hirgon Plains. These plains are administered by the Ellipereos city-state. It's a natural elevation overlooking the vast flatlands to the north, the coastline to its west and the many hills to its south and east. On a bright day, one can even see the edge of the Continent, where the landmass almost touches the Prism Veil.  


Due to its elevated and difficult to reach position, the village has remained small. But for this same reason, many believe the village to be a beautiful but temporary refuge. One can oversee the vast surroundings with ease and the close-knit community provides a sense of security. People come here to experience the simple country life - with a view.   Though the Pervalmen are proud Ellipereans themselves, villagers hail from many different city-states originally. Curiously, it's often an immigrant to be elected in one of the government office positions.  


Due to its impressive location and peaceful recent history, Pervalme is a hotspot for diplomatic events. It is also considered a refuge for diplomacy. Most notably, the The Treaty of Pervalme has been written and signed here. Government officials from every city-state gathered in the village for this event. There's even a new street full of taverns and hostels named 'Treaty Street'.


Pervalme is run by an elected Grand Mayor, supported by another 3 elected officials. The village is a close-knit community though, so a lot can be discussed over a jar of wine.


The village counts on the natural elevations surrounding it to discourage possible attackers. The village does not cover the complete plateau though, and a wall separates it from the farmlands in front.

Industry & Trade

The village is self-sustaining thanks to the farmlands and orchards on the plateau just outside its one wall. A plot of land just at the foot of the elevation is still under the village's jurisdiction and used for vinyards. Pervalme wine is considered among the best on Alvunne Continent. Many believe this is the reason why the village is often chosen as a location for diplomatic meetings.


Pervalme is not a large village. But due to interest from many Alvunneans, one can find quite some hotels and bars scattered throughout the village. There's only one middle-sized park, but this is made up for by the many clifside view gardens.

Points of interest

All around the village and the plateau, the villagers have set up small gardens with benches overlooking the landscape. Most are private territory however. So if you visit Pervalme and wish to sit down and enjoy the view, be sure the owner is not there or, you know, ask nicely. The villagers are well aware of the beauty of their surroundings.   The plateau is rather rugged and elongated in shape. On the opposite side from where Pervalme is located, one can find an old, withering fort. This used to host an army regiment of Ellipereos. It was used to keep the vast surrounding area under control, as well as the village of Pervalme. Ever since Pervalme became an important ally of Ellipereos, it has been abandoned. Only one tower of the fort is still in use by the Elliperean army.


Pervalme is located on the southern part of a plateau that rises high above the plans, shoreline and hill. It has cliffs all around and is difficult to access. Small springs can be found at the edges of the plateau, providing the villagers with crystal clear drinking water.

Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank


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