The Treaty of Pervalme

The Treaty of Pervalme is a peace treaty signed by every major city-state on Alvunne Continent. It paved the way for constructive talks and to start a new mission: bringing the Continent back home to the Home Planets.   The goal was to leave Earth's ocean floor, travel through space for a decade and reclaim the Continent's rightful place on the home planet of Planet of Illera. Needless to say, unity and open communication between all actors is desirable.  

Signing city-states

Bringing these city-states together was a serious diplomatic achievement for the village of Pervalme. Especially getting Liburu & Ellipereos and Tsintal & Ferinta all together at one table.  


The treaty was written and signed in Pervalme, a village located on the most northern and highest plateau in the Hirgon Plains. These plains are administered by the Ellipereos city-state. It was chosen because of its impressive location and peaceful recent history. It's been the location for many previous diplomatic conferences and is considered a refuge for diplomacy. After the signing of the Treaty of Pervalme, a new street full of taverns and hostels was built and named 'Treaty Street'.


The Continent of Alvunne is quickly losing two of their most important resources; magical materials and water. When one notes that most magical materials require water to be grown, harvested and processed the decline is evident. Discover more about magic on Alvunne at: The magic system.   This is why the leaders of the Continent decided to make peace in order to ensure a safe passage from Earth back to the Home Planets.

Document Structure


Important clauses include: the State of the Continent, a Pledge for Peace, a Plegde to Cooperate & Guidelines for a Structured Return.

Publication Status

The Treaty of Pervalme has been copied and is present in most libraries across Alvunne Continent. This way, citizens and stateless alike can access its contents to be properly informed. The purpose is to make sure everyone is on the same page. (^^)

Historical Details


The Treaty makes an end to many ongoing smaller conflicts. 

Public Reaction

Most people on Alvunne at least acknowledge the ongoing diminishing of resource. They are, however, more concerned with their day-to-day lives as there's no food shortages or social upheaval resulting from them. On the contrary, the common folk are happy to know their world is at peace. Even though they have little faith in the integrity of their leaders.


The Treaty is seen by most elite families and leaders as a necessary step to ensure peace and cooperation. However, it does prevent them from chasing their own ambitions. It has worked so far, as the Continent has managed to leave Earth's ocean floor and is on its way through the vastness of space.


The Treaty will be active for the duration of the travel through space back to the Home Planets. Additionally, It ensures peace for at least another 5 years after returning to Illera's surface. This way, the people of Alvunne can stand strong against unexpected hostilities.

Treaty, Diplomatic


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