The magic system

In the Alvunne Saga, three types of magic can be distinguished. Each of them are attributed to one of the main gods in the Old Pantheon. The types are:  
  • Mahi Magic (associated with Mahi, god of fauna, fertility & royalty).
  • Aehir Magic (associated with Mahi, god of fauna, fertility & royalty).
  • Neread Magic (associated with Neread, the spirit god of beauty, light & darkness).
  Scroll through the chart below for all related info & articles.    

Mahi & Aehir VS Neread

Magic casted in the Mahi & Aehir Way form a hard magic system. This magic can only be generated by channeling it through plants touched by Mahi and rocks or gems touched by Aehir. Its usage can vary from healing magic to imbuing weapons and basic elemntal spells. Neread refers to a more chaotic form of this magic.   It's rather a soft magic system that only a few races can wield, most notably the Dassaï. Once in a blue moon, a Human will rise and train their capabilities to be a Neread magic wielder. Even then they still require a Mahi AND an Aehir relic to channel their powers through. Whereas Dassaï are the only ones to wield Neread magic without any tools at all.  

The thing with Neread Magic

For eons, people thought Neread magic to be its own type of magic and it was attributed to eponymous Neread, one of the three main gods. It was always different from Mahi & Aehir magic, as it could wield formidable power and was not restricted by material resources. Thus it was linked to this most ferocious and chaotic one of the gods. Over time it was discovered Neread magic is actually pure essence of magic found in Mahi and Aehir materials.  


Magic is disappearing on Alvunne. Most Aehir rock and gem mines are empty. The continent is drying up, urging its inhabitants to choose food production over the growing of Mahi plants. This means magical tools are mostly a thing of the past, or they are reserved for of the rich and/or devout.   The use of magic is mostly apparent in the Prism Veil, the forcefield eveloping Alvunne continent, trapping its atmosphere and sustaining the water cycle. It also protects from the threats from space.   Magic is mostly still being used to communicate over longer distances, for some ammenities like powering street lights and more expensive forms of warfare.  

Significance in the Alvunne Saga

Magic is important in the Saga. It sets off the story, as well as create a sense of wonder for the people from Earth. The characters will discover the powers and types of magic over time. Some Earthlings call these types Gaia, Terra and Chaos magic.  


Magic is found on the continent of Alvunne.


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