Titan of Last Breaths

Written by SoleilArya

The gigantic cloud that had emerged from the flask Estia kept attached to her belt was circling Asmaritur, and those that hadn't been woken up by the previous fight were now at their windows, their faces contorted in terror and incredulity. Slowly, the tornado was turning into a vaguely humanoid shape, enormous and difformed, but what was truly unbearable was the noise. Coming out fo the powerful wind were the screams of all the victims that made up this amalgamation of horror, their souls still bound to the flask, prisonner of the will of their evil mistress. The screams of a neighbour, a brother, a daughter, a lover. Asmaritans were looking, horrified, as they heard their loved ones beg for this nightmare to end, to finally die. But it wouldn't end there. As the shape ended materializing, it started obeying. At its feet, Estia was laughing maniacally, and commanding the abomination to kill, to take more souls. The Titan moved forward, crushing indifferently houses, people, animals. And with each death, with each breath snuffed out, it grew more powerful. More innocent souls joined their captive loved ones, and the Titan grew. Perched high on her creation, Estia also did. Her already dark psyche was leaving even more humanity behind, as her power reached new heights, emboldened by the sacrificed energy flowing through her. Even the powerful Arcanists of the Global Academy of Sorcery could only look, incapable of finding a way to defeat her. Arrows were flying at the monster, Arcanic Matrixes constructed in an attempt to unsummon it, but all attempts were futile. Mirthis Sanbur herself had been called to the rescue, but what could even a demi-god do, especially from another country? More and more citizens dropped on their knees, resolved to their doom.

The Titan's "face"

A grotesque parody of a human face, terrifying at first glance for everyone with a modicum of common sense, it is made of a combination of pure Arcanic power, concentrated souls, and the last physical breath of each victim, giving it its name.


The twisted amalgamation of souls

Although the core of the Titan is not much different from the artificial life created by certain illegal Arcanists or even the engineers of the Ivultisian School of Magical Engineering, the method to grow it was so complex and twisted it is practically indestructible, its Arcanic Matrix so alien to anyone sane of mind it becomes impossible to understand.

But eventually, silence came back to Asmaritur. Perched on the heights of the city, facing the Palace of the Emperor, Estia seemed in a trance. At the height of her power, a truly unstoppable force, finally, she heard it. The Fardax Momentum, amused by her efforts, was communicating. Greater than anything she ever imagined, from outside of reality itself, she heard its message. Her broken, twisted mind could understand its call, and a warped smile adorned her lips. It was time. Finally, she had succeeded. Slowly, she let the Primordial shift her essence, and she understood. Her eyes could see through the veil of existence, she could perceive everything. She understood the Immaterial Eternity, she understood Ovor Avantuuris, and the moment she did, she felt him. The creator god, from beyond existence itself, was interfering. She was chased from reality, and disappeared from the city like it was waking up from a nightmare, and her existence shifted beyond the realm of possibility, elevated to a greater existence, primified. The Titan stayed immobile, and the entire world held its breath. The witch was gone, and the city was victorious... or was it? All hope crumbled when it raised its leg, and crushed a house like it was made of dust. Deprived of its mistress' commands, the amalgamation of souls was suffering, and nothing was there to catalyze all the hatred and spite it concentrated. It was free to rampage through the city, massacre indiscriminately, and grow more powerful with each victim. As Mirthis arrived, flying up in the air, she gasped in horror. This would be the greatest test of her life, and all her instincts were screaming to run. It was time to deserve her reputation.
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Challenge Hub: Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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