categoricalSavant + helminthicEdge

categoricalSavant [CS] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
CS: Bardon dhe indruzion. We have had a chad in dhe bazd and I'm wonderinj iv you are occubide ad dhiz momend or, brevvereably, would be willinj do have anodher. I abbollojije in advance az I haven'd a dobic and am zimbly bored.
HE: Typically I would not humour sssuch needlessssss interruptionsss,,, but our previousss interactionsss have inssstilled a sssenssse of faith in me that you may be worth more than jussst... A dissstraction...
CS: I abbreciade dhe vode ov convedence. Iv I brove do dizzaboind in dhiz madder bleaze veel vree do dizzconnecd vorm dhiz chad. I will rezbecd dhad.
CS: Acdually, berhabz I do have a dobic ov converzadion. I ahd been dryinj do buzh id vrom my mind bud have been unable. Jiven our bazd converzadion I veel you're dhe only one I mijhd azk dhiz doo widhoud beinj humored widh valze anzwerz.
CS: Whad are your dhoujhdz on aldered decay radez in droll bodiez and dhe meaninj dhad could be behind zuch a dhinj.
HE: What bringsss sssuch a curiosssity to mind,,, if I may asssk...
CS: You may, and dhank you vor incuirinj, dhad doez aid in dhe vlow ov converzadion. Az you know vrom our lazd converzadion, I work ad a landbazed hozbidal. A zubbozidly vrezhly killed zeadweller waz braujhd in doday and dhe zdavv waz chaddinj aboud diz ezeleraded decay rade. I vound dhiz indrezdinj bud dhe corbze waz daken away bevore I even knew aboud id, zo I waz unable do zee id vor myzelv. While id zdrikez me odd and inderezdinj on idz own, dhe vacd dhad id waz a zeadweller haz me all dhe more curiouze. One would dhink we would decay ad a zlower rade radher dhan a vazder one, jiven dhe divverance in vluidz dhad oud bodiez would abozorb in dhe ocean.
HE: I sssee... I believe I am well acquainted with the corpssse in quessstion... She hasss alwaysss been... A ssspecial cassse... To sssay the leassst...
HE: One not too fond on playing by the rulesss of death... Until recccently...
CS: I zee, I may need a momend do brocezz dhiz invormadion adn vorm a vew cuezidonz in a coherend manner. Vordunadly I'll likely be able do zday calm vor a while lonjer, I'd like do dake advandaje ov dhad while I can. I zubbzoe virzdly.
CS: Jzud how accuanded widh dhiz corbze are you? Do you have any inzijhdz indo whad haz cazued dhiz rabid decay?
HE: Ssshe wasss onccce clossse with my kisssmesssisss... Sssomething of an oddity in my mind for asss long asss I have been aware of her... Sssomeone who ssseemsss to have onccce cheated death...
HE: Or twiccce,,, now,,, I sssupossse... But,,, I digressssss...
CS: Am I correcd in azzuminj you were unable do ezamine dhe corbze in any ov dhe more inderezdinj zdajez ov dhiz 'chead' ov deadh?
CS: I azzume dhiz az I veel had you been able do jed zome uze oud ov zuch a dhinj do dhe ezdend I would have heard ov id vrom you by now.
HE: I wasss able to exxxamine sssaid cadaver in perssson for the firssst time today... And it isss quite curiousss,,, indeed...
HE: Sssuch advanccced decomposssition on a corpssse asss recccently deccceasssed asss ssshe wasss isss... Unheard of...
HE: But,,, of courssse... I do not believe ssshe wasss fully alive to begin with...
CS: A zimilivinj zdade? I, very rijhdly, azzume dhiz iz divverend dhad a cyborj by dhe way you are zbeakinj. [section:violet]CS: Bud I'm avraid I have no vrame ov revrence do broberly enjaje in a brober converzadion on dhe madder. Mijhd I berzuade you do devulje a bid more invormadion?
HE: I am not fully cccertain of the nature of her... Affliction...
HE: But from what hisssssstorical record on the individual hasss provided,,, I can sssay thisss...
HE: Sssomething happened in her teenage yearsss... Sssomething that quite literally killed her,,, and brought her back to life...
HE: I don't sssupossse you are familiar with the name Elodie Rendaxxx... Ssshe isss sssomething of a figure of contention for those more politically aware...
HE: Particularly ssseadwellersss sssuch asss yourssself...
CS: Idz bainvul do dhink dhad we can no lonjer zdudy her do vind oud dhe couze. Unlezz.. you
No, I'm nod very bolidically zavy, I admid. I may have heard dhe name bud az id haz liddle do do widh my line ov work I had nod baid id much mind. I rejrezd dhad now, knowinj dhad zhe iz brovinj ezdreamly vacinadinj.

HE: Yesss... Ssshe hasss been sssomeone I wissshed to fully underssstand ever sssince I became aware of her...
HE: To think that ssshe could have died and risssen once again is... Fassscinating...
HE: But it would ssseem that her death hasss been finalisssed... Dessspite my bessst effortsss...
CS: A zhame, I veel vor your lozz.. vor dhe medical vield'z lozz. Zo much we could have learned. I azzume odher zeadwellerz have her body now, and dhad iz why you are vree do dalk widh me inzdead ov zdudyinj id, no jeddinj id back now. Zuch a wazde...
HE: Ssshe isss with my kisssmesssisss,,, and unfortunately my hatred-fuelled ressspect of him wardsss me off of going againssst hisss wissshesss to leave him alone... Perhapsss later the opportunity will resssurfaccce... Although sssuch a possssssibility isss uncccertain...
CS: Ad dhe zubozed rade ov decay I doubd dhere will be much levd do ezamine, unvordunadly.
CS: I admid I am more dhan a bid dizzaboinded in dhiz zenario. I underzdand widh dhe acuadic, and emodinal.., involvmend dhere waz liddle you could do. Bud I am zdill veelinj a zlijhd rezendmend dhad you were zo cloze and yed waz able do learn liddle ov imbord. Berhabz I am zlijhdly jealouze dhad you jod a look ad all, while I'm relijaded do hearzay.
HE: Yesss... I can underssstand thisss resssentful disssposssition... I feel sssomewhat sssimilar... However...
HE: My time ssspent with the sssubject wasss most cccertainly not in vain...
HE: I wasss able to resssurect her... If only partially... And ssshe ssspoke... Ssshowed emotion,,, and recalled memoriesss,,, even...
HE: It wasss... Incredible... Though not up to my kisssmesssisss' ever increasssing ssstandardsss... He wissshesss I could reverssse the fact that he killed her... Typical...
CS: Du auə dhink id wɑz ɑ ɹɛzəld uv hɛɹ zbɛçiɑl çiɹçəɱzdɑnçɛz? Uɹ du auə dhink idz ɑ ɹɛbɛɑdɑblɛ, ɑnd dhɛɹɛvuɹ dɛzdɑblɛ, bɹuçɛzz?
CS: I.. ahem.. I abbolojize... id zeemz my.. medicadion, yez dhadz a jood word vor id, iz wearinj ovv.
HE: It isss impossssssible to sssay with cccertainty... Although the resssultsss were exxxtremely promisssing... I would need possssssessssssion of a fresssh cadaver to recreate the experiment in a more controlled environment... Which is not feasssible... Unlessssss...
CS: Dhere iz no end ov zubly ad a hozbidal, berhabz I can arranje zoemdhinj. On dhe condidion I jed do obzerve and be invormed ov dhiz brocezz on zome level, ov courze.
HE: Yesss... Thisss sssoundsss like a mutually beneficccial agreement... Excccelent...
CS: ɱɑʒniviçɛnd!
CS: Id iz radher revrezhinj do vind a likeminded individual, I muzd admid. When would you like me do arranje dhiz meedinj and where mijhd we have id?
HE: Yesss... I very much ssshare in this sssentiment... I appreccciate your focusss on what isss genuinely important...
HE: However... Sssuch a meeting would have to wait until a later date...
HE: I do not want to be predisssposssed ssshould my kisssmesssisss let hisss emotionsss get the better of him again... To devissstating effect...
CS: Dhad iz why I don'd do reladionzhibz.. Id will dake me dime do clear dakinj a cadaver ad any rade. I will work on brebarinj dhe zdav do allow dhad while you waid vor your kizmeziz do calm dhemzelvez.
CS: Unlezz you wizh do invorm me ov your meadhodz zo I know whad do berbair vor, dhere iz liddle elze do dalk aboud ad dhiz dime. Iz dhad zomedhinj you wizh do divulje or are you hobinj vor zoem zord ov overly dramadic reveal?
HE: I am not very fond of the unnecccessssssarily dramatic... Ssso I will jussst tell you,,, like an adult...
HE: The ressssssurrection wasss a ressssssult of an exxxperimental helminth'sss adaptation into the hossst'sss remainsss... Or ssso it would ssseem... I am not one to divulge the motivesss of parasssitesss...
HE: Anyway...
HE: I had bred thisss ssspecccific ssspeccciesss and they had ssshown great promissse when usssed in beassstsss...
CS: I zee.. I have nod had much chance do deal widh many baracidez, I will devuald do your ezberdice in dhe madder.
CS: I will dry do arranje a vew divverend zordz ov cadaverz, zhould dhey be bicky in cazue ov deadh or blood dybe. Dhe more dezdz we can run dhe bedder.
HE: Yesss... I would be most appreccciative of thisss assssssissstance,,, Claroy...
HE: I am sssure that our combined effortsss will lead to great ssstridesss in the field of medicccine...
CS: I am hobevul. Even iv zhe waz a zbcial caze, a vluke iz only a vluke undill you learn do rebroduce id. I am cuied ready do dake az lonj az needed do zee rezuldz. Iv dhiz virzd round iz unzuczezzvul, dhere will be odherz. Barrinj any unvorzeen comblicadionz vrom dhe oudzide, ovcourze.
CS: Would you be abbozed do me dakinj a baracide or dwo vor my own dezdz? More do learn aboud dhem ouzdie ov a hozd, zo dhad I can be ov bedder uze in dhe brojecd.
HE: I would have to consssider it... Thessse ssspecccimensss are very important to me,,, I am sssure you underssstand...
CS: Yez, iv dheya re az uzevul az you are leadinj me do believe, dhen I very much underzdand. Berhabz iv you have any recendly deciezed zbecimenz, az zdudyinj dhem oudzide ov dhier bervered invironmend would likely kill dhem anyway.
CS: A cadaver drade, iv you will.
CS: Dhoujh I zubbzoe id izn'd much ov a drade az I will be keebijn my end rejardlezz. Idz much do ezcideinj do jebordize over anydhinj zo zmall.
HE: My ssspecccimensss are not "sssmall",,, but very well... I will provide you with a number of them,,, provided you confirm that you will make no attemptsss to reproduccce...
CS: I will make no addembd ad zuch dhinjz. I zimbly wizh do underzdand dhier biolojy enoujh do veel I have dhe rijhd do zid in on zuch a brojecd and jain zoem underzdandinj ov why a id iz workijn or vailinj do a dajree. Odherwize I will learn very liddle vrom dhe ezberince, and may be ov liddle more uze dhan a bazic lab dech. I revuze do relijade myzelv do zuch a role zhould I have dhe meanz do jo beyond id.
HE: I sssee... I am fully aware that your ussse trancccendsss sssuch a role,,, ssso I would not dream of ressstricting you to sssuch a posssition...
HE: I will have the sssamplesss delivered ssshortly... Do treat them with care...
CS: I abbrciade your dimelynezz, Karzlo. I do hobe your kizmeziz calmz dhemzelvez zoon, I am, berhabz, a bid over eajer do zee whad we can accomblizh.
HE: Yesss... Asss am I... Unfortunate that hisss relative wellbeing mussst come in the way of progressssss,,, but that isss a sssacrificcce one mussst make to maintain a healthy relationssship...
HE: I am cccertain we will accomplisssh great thingsss,,, Claroy...
CS: Az am I. Dhoujh, unvordunadly, I will have do dake my leave bevore my luzuz eadz my comunicaidon device ajain.
CS: Id haz been a nod wholey unzezbecded belazure zbeakijn widh you ajain, Karzlo.
categoricalSavant [CS] has ceased trolling helminthicEdge [HE]

helminthicEdge [HE] has started trolling categoricalSavant [CS].
HE: Greetingsss...
HE: Will you be attending the princessssss' funeral ssserviccce later today...
CS: Oh, idz doday? I do nod believe I've been invided do zuch an evend.
CS: Jive me a momend do look dhroujh my mezzajez do be zure I didn'd overlook id, dhoujh I do hijhly doubd anyoune would enjoy zeeinj me in zuch a locadion. I do habben do live on dhe land vor reazonz wodher dhan my own enjoymend.
HE: It ssseemsss to be open to the public... I take it you do not watch the newsss...
CS: Oh, no I do nod. Az zoon az my luzuz allowed me do leave my recuberacoon I waz in dhe lab zdudyinj dhe zbecimanz you zo jraciouzly zhared widh me.
HE: I sssee... I will sssend you the clip...
helminthicEdge [HE] has shared a link
CS: I vail do zee why dhiz zhould be imbordand do me in dhe zlijhdezdz.. bud iv you dezire id I zubboze dhere iz a jood reazon.
HE: I wasss jussst curiousss... Being a ssseadweller yourssself you may get the chanccce to get a clossse look at the cadaver...
HE: If that doesss not interessst you then ssso be it...
CS: I.. hrm.. I doubd dhey would led me jed az cloze a look az I would like... bud any look iz bedder dhan no look I zubboze. Dhe cuezdion dhen will be iz id wordh encurinj dhe wradh ov dhe odherz by zhowinj my vace durrinj zuch a dime.
HE: You mussst have done sssomething particularly reprehensssible,,, Claroy...
CS: Id izn'd a zubjecd I indend do dwell on, dhoujh I am cuied zure iv I waz any lezz uzevull dhan I am I would have been culled lonj ajo.
CS: I will zay dhad I waz only zo willinj do ajree do your dermz on dhe madder ov rebroducdion involvinj your very inderezdinj baracidez zo cuickly due do beinj banned vrom dabbelinj in jenedicz ever ajain. Much do my dizmay.
HE: Curiousss... I would like to be made aware of what exxxactly you did at sssome point...
HE: But for now I will resssign to not knowing... Assssssuming it doesss not affect me,,, or my parasssitesss...
HE: If you decccide to go to the ccceremony,,, I will asssk my kisssmesssisss to ensssure your sssafety...
HE: Perhapsss I will sssee you then... Until nexxxt time...
helminthicEdge [HE] has ceased trolling categoricalSavant [CS].
categoricalSavant [CS] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
CS: I veel id iz ezcedinjly rude ov me do be azkinj you anodher vavor zo zoon when we haven'd know eachodher vor very lonj.
CS: Bud, would you, berhabz, know dhe brincezzez condacd invormadion?
HE: I assssssume it isss Elodie you are referring to... Why do you wisssh to know...
CS: Yez, I don'd ezacdly know how do adrezz her and veel i've heard dhad one dozzed around. Iz dhad incorrecd or are dhere many ov dhem runninj aboud dha dI've vailed do keeb drack ov?
CS: Az do my reazoninj, I would like do ezamain her and do do dhad i would need her do ajree do meed widh me. And vor dhad I would need do zbeak widh her.
HE: Meeting with her in perssson isss not wissse... But if you insssissst,,, I can provide you with her trolltag...
CS: Yez zhe did zeem zomewhad moody, iz beinj breviouzly dead a douchy zubjecd vor her?
HE: It dependsss on the contexxxt in which it isss brought up... Although I can sssay that ssshe doesss not like being sssomeone'sss inferior... Perhapsss abssstain from letting her know that you primarily intend to draw information from her...
CS: I vail do zee why lieinj do her would be do anyone'z benevid. Would dellinj her ub vrond nod be more rezbecdvul?
CS: I azzume you know her well enoujh, and bedder dhan me, do zay dhe leazd. Zo I dake your word on dhe madder zeriouzly.
HE: Ressspecful,,, perhapsss... But ssshe doesss not take kindly to being usssed... Ssshe wantsss what isss bessst for her,,, and her alone...
HE: Ssso you mussst maintain a delicate balanccce of honesssty and dissscretion,,, if you wisssh to exxxamine her...
CS: I zee. Dhad iz ezcedinjly droublinj. I'm cuied zure dhad iz beyond my realm ov cababilidiez..
CS: Whad, do you zubboze, would be dhe ramivicadionz ov vailinj do be delicade, zhould I berzue dhiz?
HE: Ssshe would mossst likely forcccibly remove and consssume your internal organsss while you watched in horror... It isss... Her thing...
CS: I zee. Dhad would make ezamininj her divviculd. You don'd zubzoe zhe'd led me ezamain virzd and dhen die horribly do you? No.. vorjed dhad cuzdion, I belvie dhe anzwer iz likely no. I've nod med any derribly badiand royalz... Ezbecially dhe younjer onez.
CS: I will have do conzider iv id woudl be wordh my live jzud do know more.
CS: Berhabz I zhould dake a vew dayz do be zure I'm dhinkinj clearly. Id iz dreadvully hard, Karzlo... I muzd know more.
HE: I underssstand... I,,, too,,, am boundlessssssly gripped by what I have witnessssssed... However,,, my life isss to important to sssacrificcce it jussst to die enlightened...
HE: No... I mussst learn the truth,,, and live to implement it...
CS: Dhad iz noble ov you, az well az wize. I vear dhad in dhiz rejard I have drouble judjinj correcdly dhe rizk reward zenario. One ov my vailinjz.
CS: I am jribbed by dhe need do zimbly know ad dhiz boind, id iz a hard veelinj do zhake.
CS: Dhoujh, iv zhe revuzez do anzwer and ribz oud my orjanz rejardlezz, I zubboze dhad, I would nod even jain dhad momendary joy vrom dhe encounder.
CS: Idz all jzud zo vɑçinɑdinʒ.
HE: If you were to make thisss dissscovery and lossse your life,,, you would never be able to dissscover again... Monumental asss it isss,,, it isss hardly worth being ssstripped of your exxxissstenccce...
CS: I'm zure I will vind dhiz zendamend more ajreeable when I have had more dime do calm down.
HE: Yesss... I would assssssume asss much...
HE: Drink sssome tea... Lisssten to sssome musssic... Do not allow yourssself to do anything brasssh...
CS: My luzuz haz zee do id dhad I can nod elave my lab, zo hobevuly dhad will be enoujh. Dhoujh I am radher annoyed by dhiz durn ov evendz.
HE: I am sssure you will be grateful for hisss foresssight in time...
HE: How goesss your resssearch into my helminthsss...
CS: Ah a chanje in zubjecd, how very clever. I'll indulje you on iz dhiz dime, az id iz a dobic you enjoy.
CS: Dhey are inderezdinj creadurez, I believe I will be vamilar enoujh widh dhier anadamy do be ov uze do your brojecd bevore I am calm enoujh do acdually bardake in id.
CS:Where dhey brezend in her ad dhe dime zhe aroze?
CS:No.. no I abbolojize my mind, I will endevor do keeb di vocuzed.
HE: Perhapsss... They disssplay a cccertain... Tenacccity... But I do not believe they were wholly resssponsssible for her ressssssurrection... Regardlesss...
HE: Ssshould you require more sssamplesss I could sssend exxxtra...
CS: I would much radher jed do work on your brojecd, now dhad your reladionzhib madderz are berhabz more under condrol. I don'd dhink anydhinj lezz widh keeb me zuviciandly dizdracded.
CS: I would radher avoid durninj do my medicadion do calm myzelv, id iz jeddinj abid oud ov hand.
HE: I sssee... Well,,, delving into my findingsss would almossst certainly exxxcccite you regardlessssss...
CS: A decidedly zaver endevor, I azzume, and one I'm eajer vor. Bedder do be ezcided over zomedhinj I will liekly zurvive. Ajain my mind wonderz, I abbolojize.
CS: I do have a vew cuezdionz. Vrom my zmall dime widh dhe baricidez I nodiced dhey mijhd have audoummune enhancinj cababilidiez. Iz dhiz zomedhinj dhad iz nadural in dhem or iz dhiz a rezuld ov your work? [section:jade]HE: Yesss... Thisss isss an effect I have introduccced through generationsss of ssselective breeding...
HE: Although it isss sssomewhat inconsssissstent...
HE: My hope isss that I can sssomeday adjussst the parasssitesss to not react adversssely to living bodiesss... Have them act asss an immediate corpssse reviver,,, if you will,,, to jumpssstart the thinkpan once it "diesss"...
CS: I know we zboke on dhe madder bevore, bud your zucezzez, dhoujh inconzidand, are nodewordhy enoujh, do your knowladje, do condinue down dhiz badh?
CS: Id doez make me conzider rizkinj Kuzziz'z wradh do azk dhad my ban be bardly removed. I veel we could come do much more zdable rezuldz widh a bid ov jenedic dinkerinj.
HE: Perhapsss... Moral boundariesss have alwaysss been my ssstrongessst blockade... Were we to overcome sssuch an obssstacle,,, I could accomplisssh great thingsss...
HE: I ssstill will accomplisssh thessse thingsss,,, of courssse,,, but it will take much longer... I could do ssso much more...
CS: Yez, I belvie your line ov zdudy can jo on widhoud dhe azzizdance ov janedic rezearch, or berhabz you could vind an azzizdand who haz nod been vorbiden do work on zuch dhinjz.
CS: Id vind id droublezom in dhe hijhezd dajree whad iz conzidered moral or immoral on dhe whole, dhoujh zome brinciblez I vind are wordh dhe drouble. Id really debendz on dhe reazoninj. Wich, zadly, dhere uzually izn'd any dhad iz very zound.
CS: "Idz jzud nod done" iz cerdanly no reazon I can habbily accebd.
HE: I agree... Sssadly the massssssesss are largely illogical and their thoughtlessssss mindsss overwhelm the wantsss of the more ssscientifically driven...
HE: And ssso we are forccced to conform to their illogical "moralitiesss",,, dessspite the fact that it hurtsss usss in the long run...
CS: While I am zure id iz nice do have zome one who charez your believez, I vind id hard do dalk ad lenjdh aboud a zubjecd unlezz id iz one I blan do ezblore ov viz.
CS: And, az dhe dwo ov uz are, do my knowladje, currendly bound by dhe zyzdem dhad imblorez zuch dhoujhdlezz rezdricdionz id iz ov liddle uze vor uz do condinue do whine aboud id like zboiled children. Unlezz you have ideaz on how do chanje dhiz vade, I'd radher we dalkied aboud zomedhinj more endrezdinj. Zuch az, vor inzdance, blacinj baracided in corbzez and obzervijn dhe rezuldz.
HE: And what exxxactly doesss your patronizzzing paragraph accomplisssh,,, if only allowing you to ssspout needlessssss condessscencccion... Do not be hypocritical,,, Claroy... Thisss sssubject isss important to me and I do intend on making thingsss change...
CS: I zimbly wizh do vocuz on dhinjz I vind inderezdinj. I vind id derrbly hard do zbeak in any odher manner aboud a zubjecd dhad doez nod vazinade me.
CS: Mozd who I hear comblain do zo zimbly do comblain, and id iz a habbid I vind dizdazdvul and annoyinj ad dhe very leazd.
CS: Dhojuh, iv you do indend do work doward chanje, dhad iz all around anodher madder. And one I would vind more inderezd in zhoudl your meadhodz be zound.
CS: Zo var we have zboken zoley aboud inderezdinj dobicz, iv you are joinj do dake ovvence do my normal manner ov zbeakinj id iz joinj do make workinj dojedher divviculd.
HE: I find sssuperccciliousss ramblings to be grating to ingessst... I would prefer you keep them to a minimum... My purpossse isss not to entertain...
CS: I zee. I will keeb dhad in mind, dhoujh I admid I have liddle condrol in dhad rejard. While I am awear I jrade on beoble'z nervez, I zubbzoe I had hobed you would be immune do zuch drivial dhinjz.
HE: The dichotomy between your boundlessssss intellect and sssevere lack of ssself-awarenessssss assstoundsss me...
CS: I jed dhad zendimend cuied ovden, dhoujh rarely bud zo elocuendly. I do hobe dhe reveladion doez nod hurd our workinj reladionzhib.
HE: It'sss affectsss are effectively unavoidable... Luckily for you,,, however, I am usssed to dealing with annoying ssseadwellersss... Ssso I will sssurely learn to overlook your... Sssocial ssshortcomingsss... In the name of progressssss...
CS: Your underzdandinj in dhiz madder iz jreadly abbreciaded.
HE: Very well...
HE: My lusssusss hasss ccceasssed itsss writhing... Finally...
HE: I have not found ressst sssinccce the funeral...
HE: Isss there anything elssse we mussst dissscusss...
CS: Dhere are many dhinjz, bud dhey can waid, I zubboze.
CS: I will leave you do your rezd.
categoricalSavant [CS] has ceased trolling helminthicEdge [HE]

categoricalSavant [CS] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
CS: Are you buzy ad brezend?
HE: Not particularly... Good day...
CS: Ah yez, jood day do you az well. I waz wonderinj when you would like do zdard dhe ezberamendz widh dhe cadaverz. I would like do jed dhem indo your bozzezzion relidivly zoon, az my... collejez... are becominj increadinjly uncomvdorable widh me azkinj dhad we hold ondo dhe bodiez.
HE: Very well... Asss time isss of the essssssenccce,,, I ssshall meet you sssoon... [section:jade]HE: I trussst you to have the sssubjectsss prepared...
CS: Yez, vor dhe dime beinj. Iv we mizz dhiz window dhere will be odherz, I'mz zure. My collejez do zeem do vlib vlob bedween doinj az I azk do zhud me ub, and zimbly zayinj dhey will do az I azk do zhud me ub bud ijnorinj my recuezdz. I can'd alwayz know whad way dhey will reacd, unvordunadly.
HE: In that cassse,,, I ssshall grasssp thisss opportunity while it hasss presssented itssself... [section:jade]HE: Sssee you sssoon,,, Claroy...
CS: I am lookinj vorward do id. Dhere are dhree ad brezend. Will you need a way do dranzbord dhem are do you have a larje enoujh dranzbord?
HE: I assssssume that meansss that the hossspital isss not sssuitable...
CS: Ah, I abbolojize. I waz, wronjvully id zeemz, under dhe azzumdion dhad your ecuibmend and baracidez would be bedder uzed ad your locadion. Doinj id here would acdually be much more uzevul vor me. [section:jade]HE: No need to apologissse... I primarily asssk asss transssporting corpsssesss tendsss to be a bothersssome matter...
CS: I haven'd had much ezberince in dhe madder, bud I can cerdianly zee how bodherzome id could cuickly become. I look vorward do zeeinj you dhen. Id make dake me undill you jed here do move my luzuz vrom dhe door, ad any rade, zo I had bezd jed on dhad.
CS: I hobe you vind my lab do your likeinj.
categoricalSavant [CS] has ceased trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
helminthicEdge [HE] has started trolling categoricalSavant [CS].
HE: Good afternoon,,, Doctor...
HE: I am afraid our meeting will have to be... Possstponed...
HE: It would appear that my kisssmesssisss hasss managed to get himssself kidnapped...
CS: Ah, him ajain. I can, adleazd indelecdually, zee why you are dojedher iv he can cauze you dhiz much drouble, I uzbboze. I won'd bredend do underzdand all dhiz romance nonzence, bud I rezbecd your dedicadion.
CS: Iv he zhowz ub here ad dhe hozbidal I'll be zure do led you know.
HE: That isss much appreccciated,,, Claroy...
HE: I will be sssure to contact you asss sssoon asss he ssshowsss up...
HE: I hate him... I only wisssh he didn't interrupt my ssstudiesss... But,,, thisss isss the trade I mussst make,,, I sssuppossse...
HE: He keepsss my mind ssstraight with hisss... Fucking ssseassshellsss...
HE: Anyway... We will ssspeak sssoon...
CS: I look vorward do id
HE: Until then...
helminthicEdge [HE] has ceased trolling categoricalSavant [CS].

categoricalSavant [CS] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
CS: Iv dhere iz any way i can azzid you in vindinj your kizmizz, do led me know.
categoricalSavant [CS] has ceased trolling helminthicEdge [HE]


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