Hospital 1} Densra, staff, daEdlodie. Also Claroy

Densra played by Kiwi, Elodie's corpse and hospital staff played by Link, Claroy played by Leng
Densra rushed her in and they took her away. He slid down the wall and shoved his face into his hands he started to cry and he shook his head in his hands. Why did I do that god I am such an idiot why
Densra was attended to by hospital staff and helped feel as comfortable as possible. Still, the resounding tension over what he had done hung heavy on his mind, as he sat and waited to hear news back from the emergency room.
After what felt like an hour, a jadeblooded doctor approached Densra.
"Mr. Frenar?", she probed, meekly.
Densra looked up at her and quickly scrambled to his feet. He immediately started with the questions a lot of his words mushing together and the franticness making it a little hard to understand him. "Is she okay, What did you do, it's not too bad is it?"
Holding her clipboard to her chest, she looked down at the ground as Densra spoke, before looking back up and into his eyes.
"I am sorry... We did everything we could, but it was already too late."
Densra stared at her for a second processing the information. He stumbled back and hit the wall before the tears started pouring from his eyes. He covered his face as he slid down the wall "no no no" He shook his head "oh god no" he sobbed into his hands.
"I am sorry for your loss, sir," she lamented, a remorseful expression on her face, "I must ask... How long had it been since her injury?"
He choked on his tears trying to respond to her. "I- i" he covered his eyes and took deep breaths "ma- maybe 20 minutes" he managed to spit out before sobbing again.
She looked down at the clipboard in her hands, then back at Densra.
"I see... I inquire because the level of decomposition on her cadaver would indicate that she had expired a number of days ago, at the least... Are you certain?"
"can you give me a minute please!" he snapped at her crying. His brain was rushing and he hurt. This was his fault he needed to fix it and he needed away fast but he had to calm down first or he was just going to keep crying.
"... Yes, my apologies."
She fell silent, fear and remorse welling inside her.
He shook his head and stood up. He took a deep breath and looked at her "Where is she" He said to the Jadeblood.
"She is in the emergency room, being prepared for transport to the morgue."
She took a breath, "But you should stay here and recover for a moment, you must be quite shaken up-"
"I'm fine," he said running off to the ER when he got there he opened the doors "Where is she"
The smell of death hung heavy in the air. Various hospital staff turned to look at Densra after they had just transferred Elodie's corpse from the table and into an open body bag on a stretcher. They stepped away, not wanting to get in the way of the fuchsiablood.
He walked over to her bag and he blinked. "I um, she wouldn't want to go to a morgue I- I need to take her" Densra said staring at the body.
One of the hospital staff piped up, nervously, "With all due respect, sir, you are not thinking fully rationally right now. Please leave her with us so that we can properly prepare and return her to the Their 4nnexed Erudition."
"No I need to take her" he said "She wouldn't want this theres so many things-" He put his head in his hands "Just let me take her please"
"We... We cannot let you take her until we know what transpired, I'm sure you understand." There was a twinge of fear in his voice.
Densra glared at him "I am going to take her"
He shrank slightly, taking a small step back.
"Yes, well, um, once we contact Their 4nnexed Erudition we can more formally discuss the, uh, what is to be done with her..."
"I am taking her or I will have this room culled do you understand me" Densra hissed. He wasn't thinking straight he was all over the place in fact after having killed his cousin and all.
"... Yes, sir."
He, and the rest of the hospital staff, stepped back.
He picked up the body bag figuring out a way to carry it and left the hospital going back to has hive as quickly as possible
The staff watched as Densra zipped up the body bag, zipped it up, and absconded with it. They went about messaging Their 4nnexed Erudition immediately.
Some time later...
Claroy paced around his lab in frustration. He'd missed out on something interesting, but it still got him thinking and excited on what exactly could be the cause of someone decomposing so quickly. If only they'd let him know sooner, he wanted at least a look. But it was his own fault, he supposed, for asking not to be disturbed.
His lusus grinned toothily at him from where it was laying and he got the distinct impression it was laughing at him on the inside. He turned on his heal to pace back the way he'd come so he didn't have to look at its amused face.
Perhaps it was some new flesh eating disease? No no that couldn't be it, from what he was told it was more... rotting than that. Perhaps some sort of sea-rot or parasite? He'd have to watch the staff closely to see if anyone came down with something strange in the next few weeks.
He turned again and paced back toward his lusus. He gave its grinning face a disgruntled sneer. He was sure it was thinking he was silly for believing the wild tales of the staff, that he was having a malicious humor pulled on him. Well it was wrong , this time, surely...   Feeling himself getting worked up into a fit somewhere between excited and agitated, Claroy stopped his pacing and went for the box of jars he kept on top of one of the many bookshelves in his lab.
It wouldn't do him any good to get worked up over rumors again, his idea of what his lusus was thinking was right, he needed to calm down and not take everything at face value all the time.   Claroy removed one of the jars with shaking hands, and didn't trust himself to put the box back with how excited he was.
He opened the jar and took a big gulp of its green contents before closing it up again.
He made a face at the gog awful taste and put the jar back down before making his way over to his lusus to flop against it in momentary relief


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