Lhoran Geddit
Played by @jack
« ~【G E N E R A L I N F O】~ »
➠Name: Lhoran Geddit
➠Trollhandle: malleablePygmalion
➠Age: 8.31 sweeps (18 years)
➠Gender: All of the above, leaning male most of the time
➠Sexual Orientation: See previous
« ~【T R O L L I N F O】~ »
➠Caste: Rust
➠Sign: Arus, Sign of the Wanderer
➠Typing Quirk: He will attempt to mimic the typing quirk of the person he is speaking to, though if it is suitably obtuse, he will make up a random one on the spot, always capitalizing a specific letter as determined by a random number generator.
➠Lusus: A big fluffy chameleon, big enough to use as a bed, or hide in its color-shifting fur
➠Original Planet: Alternia
➠Classpect: Mage of Breath
« ~【B I O G R A P H Y】~ »
➠Personality: Due to the extreme ‘personal flexibility’ they have, it’s hard to pin down a singular personality of theirs. They aren’t plural, moreso that when one presents as a different caste entirely on a whim, one’s outlook on life rapidly shifts, which can affect their mood/life/way of speaking. In general there are a few aspects that remain through their shifts. These function as mantras that they repeat to themselves on a regular basis:
Every phase is the prep phase: Every event leads into another, and as such, every action one takes will impact the next, so every action must be taken with purpose and intent, or you leave your fate in the hands of causality.
Causality is a bitch: Don’t put anything in the hands of causality if you can help it. The universe is indifferent and will not play in your favor.
Nothing happens unless you make it happen: If you want to see change in the world, you have to make it. You can’t think good things into existence, you need to work for them, make them happen. Do all you can within your station.
Life is a gauntlet: It’s easy to get depressed and overwhelmed when you expand your vision to the full scope of reality, and decide to carry your fate on your own shoulders, but you have the choice of how you carry your fate, what shoes you wear while you run the gauntlet, what mountains you tumble down.
Coming part and parcel with these tenants is an interest in technology, in coding, encryption, security, analysis, investigation, full-on detective work. He honed his skills such that he can have the information he needs, and hold onto that information until it is needed. (edited) [2:31 AM] ➠History: [Permission level Rust confirmed] “Hmm… denigrate the lowest caste will they… well I’ll show them just how dumb a rust can be! Computer, create new text document, I have a life story to dictate. Open, select a letter, edit-”
sweep 1 post-hAtch: skipping things like birth And whAtnot. i cAme into this world with extrAordinAry psionic Abilities, AnomAlous Among even my cAste. you see, deAr reAder, or listener, whoever finds this if i’m not the one reAding this currently. hello by the wAy, it’s A pleAsure. AnywAys, my psionics were speciAl from dAy one, As they did not extend outwArds into the world like most others, insteAd, my powers focused inwArds. this mAy be the cAuse for their AppArent power, since i Am much smAller thAn the entire world, And it is eAsier to Affect (effect? Affect?) smAller AreAs with equivAlent psionic force. As such, my Ability to mAnipulate my own body is fAr And AwAy more intense thAn the relAtively weAk force Applied by the musculAr system. i need to be cAreful with it of course, too much stretching cAn breAk something importAnt, but remAining within the reAlms of AcceptAble troll/humAn proportions is fAirly reAsonable. i’ve honed this skill since then, And by now, I cAn reliAbly shift my AppeArAnce into brAnd new forms in good time. this Also Applies to pigments in my skin and hAir, Allowing me to chAnge them on a whim, useful for infiltrAting highblood conversAtions… i cAn’t chAnge the color of my blood, but chAnging the color of my skin in subtle wAys does the trick.
[Permission level Jade confirmed] select new letter.
Sweep 3: at the age humanS would call ‘toddler yearS’, i waS diScovered by Someone high above my caSte, who took particular intereSt in my abilitieS, Photal Tenack. a rare male jade in blood, and intereSted in eaveSdropping on thoSe who make the real deciSionS. he took me in, aS a Small Side project for himSelf. he waS of courSe working on the Same thing everyone with an ego workS on, immortality. SenSationaliSm notwithStanding, he took me and my luSuS in, gave uS a home, food, SupplieS not uSually given to ruStbloodS. i waS grateful, of courSe. he helped me hone my abilitieS, get uSed to where i can pull, where i can puSh, without cauSing damage to mySelf. luckily he waS a doctor, So he helped me when i meSSed up. i imagine it waS Similar to how humanS deScribe their parentS, but there waS only one of them, and no exceptional blood relation. it waS through him that i began to underStand mySelf a bit better, not juSt what my powerS are, but who i am aS a perSon. [2:31 AM] [Permission level Purple confirmed] Select new letter.
swEEp 6: lifE was calm for a momEnt. whEn i was young, i couldn’t bE ExpEctEd to do much of usE, but around this agE was whEn the practical sidE of my abilitiEs bEcamE morE important. i bEgan mimicking highbloods, snEaking into thEir ExclusivE placEs, with Photal in my Ear. wE lEarnEd a lot wE alrEady knEw, and EvEn morE wE shouldn’t havE known. wE wErE a tEam, and wE usEd thE information wE had to our advantagE. wE nEvEr nEEdEd to work whEn wE could watch thosE abovE us and follow thEir lEads. monEy camE Easy whEn wE knEw whErE to invEst. wE got grEEdy though. wE wEnt too far. i wEnt somEwhErE i shouldn’t havE, a purplE was using chucklEvoodoos and i got caught up in it. hE amplifiEd my fEars, showEd EvEryonE i was afraid of bEing caught. ‘caught doing what?’ and i was donE for. through mE thEy found Photal, and i havEn’t sEEn him sincE. probably dEad. i havEn’t bEEn back to his hivE sincE EithEr, too risky. i ran. EvEntually i found an abandonEd hivE, and i’vE sincE rEmodElEd it into somEthing morE usEful. it still looks abandonEd from abovE, the cavE undErground is whErE i rEally livE.
[Permission level Fuchsia confirmed] sElEct nEw lEttEr
sweep 8: ThaT brings us To Today for The mosT parT. i’ve obviously condensed This reTelling for The sake of breviTy, buT i’d consider This an accuraTe reTelling of my life up unTil This momenT. i should also noTe down The reason i made This documenT as well, fuTure me will likely be confused, i shouldn’T be placing This much personal informaTion in one place. To fuTure me i say, if you have forgoTTen. There is value in reTrospecTion, and in remembering one’s pasT. our pasT informs our presenT, so we should always have iT available as a resource To review. iT would do us no favors To forgeT Those imporTanT To us. afTer all, we sTill follow his Teachings, we sTill geT by on whaT he Told us is righT. we’re jusT doing iT wiThouT him now, which sTings, buT we’re making iT work. who knows, maybe he’s alive somewhere, jusT waiTing for us To find him. i doubT iT, buT we know whaT we’re doing. if anyone’s gonna find him, iT’ll be us.” [End transcription] [2:31 AM] ➠Skills and Abilities: Intricate bodily control: Through years of honing his special psionics, he has learned to manipulate his own body at an incredibly precise level. He can’t deconstruct himself on an atomic level or anything, that would be incredibly stupid. He can change his physique within generally regular limits however, and can affect the pigmentation in his body in a similar way. He can not change the color of his own blood, but can generally make adjustments to his body in such a way to appear as a completely different person if he chooses to. He can not affect his clothes, or anything outside his own body with his psionics. Looking for something? Lhoran has spent years learning to master his areas of interest, making him incredibly adept at investigative skills, as well as skills relating to computers and cybersecurity. If you need to find someone, something, or somewhere, he’s the guy to talk to. ⠀ ➠Occupation: Professional investor (under a variety of pseudonyms) ➠Aspirations: To find his old friend ⠀ ➠Likes: Asking questions, the sound of the rain, reading by the fire, and his goddam privacy for another thing ➠Dislikes: Sudden storms, purplebloods, That thing where you say something but the other person asks you to repeat yourself so you do but they still didn’t hear you and you have to explain again and yeah you know what I mean. ⠀ ➠Appearance: While he does his best to look nondescript in most cases, his horns are hard to change. They stand tall above his head, announcing his presence to those who know him. Otherwise he keeps himself covered up, wearing hats often to hide excess hair (you never know when you need it). He also wears a scarf, which he switches out for an accessory of a color matching his current disguise. He has a scarf for every blood color, everyone wears scarves, no matter what caste. It’s a universally constant accessory. Every other part of his body is generally up to chance. How tall he is, how much muscle he has on him (at least how much is visible) is on a case-by-case basis due to his psionic abilities. When he’s not wearing a disguise at least, he tends to make his body look pretty much average in all respects purposefully, so as to not draw attention.
Every phase is the prep phase: Every event leads into another, and as such, every action one takes will impact the next, so every action must be taken with purpose and intent, or you leave your fate in the hands of causality.
Causality is a bitch: Don’t put anything in the hands of causality if you can help it. The universe is indifferent and will not play in your favor.
Nothing happens unless you make it happen: If you want to see change in the world, you have to make it. You can’t think good things into existence, you need to work for them, make them happen. Do all you can within your station.
Life is a gauntlet: It’s easy to get depressed and overwhelmed when you expand your vision to the full scope of reality, and decide to carry your fate on your own shoulders, but you have the choice of how you carry your fate, what shoes you wear while you run the gauntlet, what mountains you tumble down.
Coming part and parcel with these tenants is an interest in technology, in coding, encryption, security, analysis, investigation, full-on detective work. He honed his skills such that he can have the information he needs, and hold onto that information until it is needed. (edited) [2:31 AM] ➠History: [Permission level Rust confirmed] “Hmm… denigrate the lowest caste will they… well I’ll show them just how dumb a rust can be! Computer, create new text document, I have a life story to dictate. Open, select a letter, edit-”
sweep 1 post-hAtch: skipping things like birth And whAtnot. i cAme into this world with extrAordinAry psionic Abilities, AnomAlous Among even my cAste. you see, deAr reAder, or listener, whoever finds this if i’m not the one reAding this currently. hello by the wAy, it’s A pleAsure. AnywAys, my psionics were speciAl from dAy one, As they did not extend outwArds into the world like most others, insteAd, my powers focused inwArds. this mAy be the cAuse for their AppArent power, since i Am much smAller thAn the entire world, And it is eAsier to Affect (effect? Affect?) smAller AreAs with equivAlent psionic force. As such, my Ability to mAnipulate my own body is fAr And AwAy more intense thAn the relAtively weAk force Applied by the musculAr system. i need to be cAreful with it of course, too much stretching cAn breAk something importAnt, but remAining within the reAlms of AcceptAble troll/humAn proportions is fAirly reAsonable. i’ve honed this skill since then, And by now, I cAn reliAbly shift my AppeArAnce into brAnd new forms in good time. this Also Applies to pigments in my skin and hAir, Allowing me to chAnge them on a whim, useful for infiltrAting highblood conversAtions… i cAn’t chAnge the color of my blood, but chAnging the color of my skin in subtle wAys does the trick.
[Permission level Jade confirmed] select new letter.
Sweep 3: at the age humanS would call ‘toddler yearS’, i waS diScovered by Someone high above my caSte, who took particular intereSt in my abilitieS, Photal Tenack. a rare male jade in blood, and intereSted in eaveSdropping on thoSe who make the real deciSionS. he took me in, aS a Small Side project for himSelf. he waS of courSe working on the Same thing everyone with an ego workS on, immortality. SenSationaliSm notwithStanding, he took me and my luSuS in, gave uS a home, food, SupplieS not uSually given to ruStbloodS. i waS grateful, of courSe. he helped me hone my abilitieS, get uSed to where i can pull, where i can puSh, without cauSing damage to mySelf. luckily he waS a doctor, So he helped me when i meSSed up. i imagine it waS Similar to how humanS deScribe their parentS, but there waS only one of them, and no exceptional blood relation. it waS through him that i began to underStand mySelf a bit better, not juSt what my powerS are, but who i am aS a perSon. [2:31 AM] [Permission level Purple confirmed] Select new letter.
swEEp 6: lifE was calm for a momEnt. whEn i was young, i couldn’t bE ExpEctEd to do much of usE, but around this agE was whEn the practical sidE of my abilitiEs bEcamE morE important. i bEgan mimicking highbloods, snEaking into thEir ExclusivE placEs, with Photal in my Ear. wE lEarnEd a lot wE alrEady knEw, and EvEn morE wE shouldn’t havE known. wE wErE a tEam, and wE usEd thE information wE had to our advantagE. wE nEvEr nEEdEd to work whEn wE could watch thosE abovE us and follow thEir lEads. monEy camE Easy whEn wE knEw whErE to invEst. wE got grEEdy though. wE wEnt too far. i wEnt somEwhErE i shouldn’t havE, a purplE was using chucklEvoodoos and i got caught up in it. hE amplifiEd my fEars, showEd EvEryonE i was afraid of bEing caught. ‘caught doing what?’ and i was donE for. through mE thEy found Photal, and i havEn’t sEEn him sincE. probably dEad. i havEn’t bEEn back to his hivE sincE EithEr, too risky. i ran. EvEntually i found an abandonEd hivE, and i’vE sincE rEmodElEd it into somEthing morE usEful. it still looks abandonEd from abovE, the cavE undErground is whErE i rEally livE.
[Permission level Fuchsia confirmed] sElEct nEw lEttEr
sweep 8: ThaT brings us To Today for The mosT parT. i’ve obviously condensed This reTelling for The sake of breviTy, buT i’d consider This an accuraTe reTelling of my life up unTil This momenT. i should also noTe down The reason i made This documenT as well, fuTure me will likely be confused, i shouldn’T be placing This much personal informaTion in one place. To fuTure me i say, if you have forgoTTen. There is value in reTrospecTion, and in remembering one’s pasT. our pasT informs our presenT, so we should always have iT available as a resource To review. iT would do us no favors To forgeT Those imporTanT To us. afTer all, we sTill follow his Teachings, we sTill geT by on whaT he Told us is righT. we’re jusT doing iT wiThouT him now, which sTings, buT we’re making iT work. who knows, maybe he’s alive somewhere, jusT waiTing for us To find him. i doubT iT, buT we know whaT we’re doing. if anyone’s gonna find him, iT’ll be us.” [End transcription] [2:31 AM] ➠Skills and Abilities: Intricate bodily control: Through years of honing his special psionics, he has learned to manipulate his own body at an incredibly precise level. He can’t deconstruct himself on an atomic level or anything, that would be incredibly stupid. He can change his physique within generally regular limits however, and can affect the pigmentation in his body in a similar way. He can not change the color of his own blood, but can generally make adjustments to his body in such a way to appear as a completely different person if he chooses to. He can not affect his clothes, or anything outside his own body with his psionics. Looking for something? Lhoran has spent years learning to master his areas of interest, making him incredibly adept at investigative skills, as well as skills relating to computers and cybersecurity. If you need to find someone, something, or somewhere, he’s the guy to talk to. ⠀ ➠Occupation: Professional investor (under a variety of pseudonyms) ➠Aspirations: To find his old friend ⠀ ➠Likes: Asking questions, the sound of the rain, reading by the fire, and his goddam privacy for another thing ➠Dislikes: Sudden storms, purplebloods, That thing where you say something but the other person asks you to repeat yourself so you do but they still didn’t hear you and you have to explain again and yeah you know what I mean. ⠀ ➠Appearance: While he does his best to look nondescript in most cases, his horns are hard to change. They stand tall above his head, announcing his presence to those who know him. Otherwise he keeps himself covered up, wearing hats often to hide excess hair (you never know when you need it). He also wears a scarf, which he switches out for an accessory of a color matching his current disguise. He has a scarf for every blood color, everyone wears scarves, no matter what caste. It’s a universally constant accessory. Every other part of his body is generally up to chance. How tall he is, how much muscle he has on him (at least how much is visible) is on a case-by-case basis due to his psionic abilities. When he’s not wearing a disguise at least, he tends to make his body look pretty much average in all respects purposefully, so as to not draw attention.