Meduso Franci

Played by deadThingies

Meduso Franci (a.k.a. naiveJellyfish)

"ahh whimsicality the best there is to have in life"
sweet and naive, she believes there's multiple layers to everything and everyone, out of the good of her pusher treats them as such. She as a direct cause was and never has been manipulated or double crossed thanks to both the shady stuff being done by Lavert and no one dare messing with a violet blood with so much social power.   She's a bit of a celebrity, yes, but she never had fame get to her head and values self care for both herself in her employees. She's famous for paying her workers the same as a 9-5 job would for a week for only five hours a day and every other day. Another thing one could learn about her through her treatment of her employee's in that caste, race, and even species doesn't matters, but she does hire near exclusively females. She does this spefically because of the jellyfish dress-dress code. She will however also hire any males willing to follow dresscode.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a young troll she lived far and deep in the ocean due to her lusus, and never found herself in contact socially with other trolls until the merge, which due to both more land and ocean changed ocean currents and practically everything about how the ocean she once knew was. She was unsurprisingly swept to the shore along with her lusus.   In order to find help, she frantically looked for landwellers to help and eventually saved her lusus. Because of her time being beached though, her lsus could no longer survive in the ocean reliably. Devastated and now land bound, she sought to the internet as a coping mechanism. In an attempt to make friends, she found an online flarping group   Through this group she met her first ever friend, Lavert Kalibi. Lavert in his own way encouraged her dreams and helped start the basis of her passions with him, first builder her restaurant with her, then playing the guitar for her songs, and finally commissioning her first dress for her as a hatching day present; effectively starting her addiction to jellyfish themed dresses.   Now, in the present she has officially had her restaurant for 5 years, (after four failed returants) being world class and five star everywhere you look. She with her new found riches sings for free to any party she's invited to, and enjoys many formal events on a regular basis. She doesn't share her success story because it is embrassing in her eyes, but sin he all the rpraise she can to her lowblooded friend. She also, though much more secretly, funds many small businesses she sees struggling and donates to many charities, knowing what it's like to be in their position. Oh, yeah, she also uses mind honey to treat her lusus.


She owns a restaurant specifically marketed towards seadwellers with an intense jellyfish theme, she's often only on weekends though due to her love for preforming as a singer. She even has a stage in the second floor of her restaurant where she plays every saturday night, her busiest day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

she's a really good dancer and singer.

Personality Characteristics


she loves attention, her aspiration at heart is getting attention.

Likes & Dislikes

food, attention, ironic comedy
being ignored (as a fear), seeing entrepreneurs fail, people discrediting her work because of her highblood advantage.
18 (9-ish sweeps)
Female (She/Her)
➠Sexual orientation
something I'd best describe as "whoever is offering"
Aquius, the sign of the whimsical
➠Typing Quirk
(]== taLking wiTh oNe capItal leTter iN eveRy senteNce, veRy whimsIcally
a giant jellyfish the size of a car and the total length of a school bus, Meduso keeps her in a giant jellyfish tank in the center of her returant. They are alive, and like a pet to her
➠Original Planet
of Breath


In Person






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