
This region is home to many different cultures, but consists mostly of Dwarven, Elven, German, French, and Spanish origins. The The United Kingdoms of Europe take up the majority of this region, but Vandalusia and the elves of Teldrasil Forest are also major players. The landscape it somewhat more rocky and temperate than others, making this region the 'castle capital of the world' where grand fortresses of stone, like Bergstadt and the Alhambra, stand valiant on the landscape.


The two biomes which are most common in Europe are rocky, snow-covered mountains and dense forests. PROMINENT MOUNTAIN CHAINS  
  • Mordor Mountains
  • Osten Mountains
  • Khazad-Dum Mountains
  • Donragh Mountains
  • Pyrenees Mountains (WIP)
  • Alpine Mountains (WIP)

Natural Resources

LUMBER One of the most exported goods of Europe is the lumber industry. Numerous different types of wood are cut and sold around the world, especially to desert regions which have a distinct lack of wood.   IRON By far the largest export from all nations in Europe is iron. The rich deposits of ore are mined in huge facilities, to be crated and either shipped around the world in its raw form, or to be smelted into steel by the many foundries in the area. Steel armor, weapons, tools, and amenities are also made in large quantities in Europe, allowed many of the region's armies to field a bit more equipment than the usual.   LACK OF PRECIOUS MATERIALS Unexplained by geologists, the region of Europe formed with a noticeable lack of gold, silver, and gemstones.
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