
This entry documents a currently or formerly active player character and is subject to heavy changes and revisions.
Race Zaalan
Faction Zaalan Free Tribes
Age 35
Alignment Chaotic / Neutral
Classes & Levels
Zarama is a Zaalan and operative for the Zaalan Free Tribes, also serving as a mercenary for Vi's Fixmen in the Wayward Belt. She was contacted by Ergene Qalli at some point in the 151th cycle to join the crew of the BSS Endeavour and help claim revenge against the Coalition.  


  Zarama was a gruff and bitter Zaalan, who fully adhered to the trinity of punching people, drinking, and smoking precious murder-sticks. Her family, operating out of an ice rig around the many moons of Hestia, were taken down by privateers cooperating with the Hiderid Coalition of Stars to take out the competition. Zarama had survived, and sought solace and refuge in nihilism. First she joined the Zaalan Free Tribes, but frustrated with their lack of progress, she became a Vanguard in the Wayward Belt. She wandered as a free mercenary, secretly hoping the right job for revenge would one day come along.  

Teroshe Plague

  After Ergene Qalli contacted Zarama, she accepted to make the journey to Midway Station to wait for the BSS Endeavour. As a trained guerilla operative, Zarama was often vocally sceptical of the party's ability to carry out their mission. Zarama came across as standoffish and gruff, and rebuffed many attempts at small talk over her weeks aboard the ship. Despite her reservations, she stuck with the crew, and performed extremely well as a skilled fighter making use of her one spell, which she called Entropic Strike, and of her expertise with explosives to save the day. She grew protective of Midway Station, taking severe wounds to protect her and her crew from harm, and even save them from the brink of death. She even gained some respect for her Hiderid teammate Kil Naykin, despite her general and open hatred of the Coalition.  

Flowers of Nufano

    Along with the crew of the BSS Endeavour, Zarama stumbled upon ancient ruins on Nufano. The details of her mission are classified to this day, however it is noted that she helped defend an ancient archeological Acorn from an attack by the Cult of the Arch-Code


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