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Feas and Issandr and War's End

297 A.C.

The most famous stories of The Halaanic Wars revolve around the romance between the elven druid Issandr and the Goddossean hero Feas the Great.   Feas was born in 253 A.C., when the war had already been raging for thirty years. At a young age saw his village destroyed and (like most of the survivors) joined the resistance against the Halaanese invaders. Feas was raised in army camps and resistance hideouts and by his early twenties had become one of the greatest warriors and tacticians of the age, known as Feas the Godossean or Feas the Great. He often worked with the Cinarians of the eastern Carentan Forest, running guerrilla operations behind the Halaanese lines. Years of using the Forest's Eastmarches for safe havens and supply depots built relationships with the Cinarians that gradually brought even the treants and their allies into the war on the Southern side. Feas' and the Cinarians' guerilla campaigns against the Halaanese eventually drew the attention of the remnants of the old Godossean army. While the Cinarians chose to stay and protect their homes in the Forest, Feas joined up. After many years and many adventures, he rose to the rank of General, one of many overseeing operations on the front.   By the time Feas was leading armies in the field, the front had retreated north to the historical border between the Empire of Halaan and Goddossea, north of the old city of Bel Shaddar in the Silver Mist Valley. Feas was captured by the enemy, escaped, and made his way south through the Tanatran Mountains to the depths of the Carentan Forest.   The sprawling, enormous, and ancient forest was ruled by treants and druids, and many of its trees and animals were intelligent. The forest’s leaders had been insular and neutral for millennia, and hadn’t involved the forest in world affairs since the overthrow of the emperor-dragons in the time of Ausra almost 20,000 years ago. Despite their official neutrality, there was strong sentiment against the racial superiority of the Halaanese elves. Many Carentans still remembered the massacres of the southern caisheni by the northern ausrani centuries ago, and some regretted not having taken action then.   Issandr was born in 224 B.C., making her already in her 470’s when Feas was born. Until the wars, Issandr had lived her entire life within the Carentan Forest, practicing the druidic arts and learning from the unbearably ancient treants who still ruled there.   Even when the wars began spilling over into the eastern marches of the Forest, the Carentanese leadership chose not to get involved, confident they could defend themselves against any intrusion and preferring neutrality as the best long-term policy. Given the longevity of the Carentanese leaders, they planned to stay neutral for centuries, even millennia to come.    The exception to this were the Cinarians of the Eastmarches, a warrior society dominated by orcs and half-orcs who were already under attack from Halaanese raiding parties.   After badly losing a battle, it is said Feas stumbled his way into the Carentan Forest, and it was Issandr who found him. She didn’t believe his stories of genocide at first -- she didn't want to imagine the ausrani at war with each other. The last time that had happened, ausranic supremacists led by the charismatic elf Halas had swept south, killing all the newly emerging caisheni they could find. Issandr and the Cinarians spread the word that Feas brought, trying to persuade the elders to take action. Some of the older treants had even known Mother Ausra, and could not accept that her legacy had been so twisted by the Halaanese. In time, Feas and Issandr were able to convince the ancient bronze dragon Rheszhebar that Halaan was a threat. With his convincing, other elders changed their minds.   It is unclear from the stories how exactly Feas and Issandr convinced Rheszhebar and the other leaders of the Forest to take sides in the war, but iover the course of several years, they fell in love. Their daughter Rhean was born only a few months before the warriors of the Carentan Forest gathered at Belsharrah to march east against Halaan. Feas and Issandr rode at the head of an army composed of centaur, gnolls, fey, wood elves, forest gnomes, and giants, along with a few treants and the ancient bronze dragon Rheszshebar, who tragically died in battle. Almost all of them were warrior-druids, their skills honed by years of hunting (and being hunted by) the powerful and dangerous predators who lived deep in the Carentan.   With the arrival of the Carentanese army, the deadlock in the Silver Mist Valley was broken, and the Halaanese were routed. The Battle of the Silver Mist Valley was so decisive that the war was over in a matter of weeks. In the last battle of the war Feas and Issandr led a combined force of Carentan and Covenant forces. Feas died in battle, leading a charge against Halaanese archers. His sacrifice allowed Issandr to lead the Carentan forces through a breach, breaking the back of Halaan’s army.   In death, Feas became a folk hero of the southern armies, and several Songs of Feas and Issandr spread quickly. Within a few decades, the diminshed remains of the Magisterium of Godossea had renamed itself the Kingdom of Fealand after their national hero.    More than a century later, Issandr and Feas' daughter Rhean led a contingent of elves, humans, and half elves to found a safe haven in the southern part of Carentan, on the coast. With her death a few decades later, her descendants formed the Kingdom of Rhean, seceding peacefully from the rule of the treant councils of Carentan.

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