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Kingdom of Anshabah


Centuries after the first caisheni cities at Indrasen in the kingdom of Vishayn and Cinr in the kingdom of Jomru were founded, nomadic caravans settled in Anshabah.   The lords of the caishenic caravans who founded the first settlements called themselves Anshabah, naming their new country the same when they claimed it. Their first village was at Tamursen where the Cathen River meets the Indras Sea.   The Anshabahn nobility have always had a somewhat dark reputation, among other rumors it is said they often practice necromancy. 3,000 years ago, when a pan-Nymeran movement gained poplarity, royalty of Anshabah kept their distance and (at first) their independence. They were the last of the coastal kingdoms to agree to a pan-Nymeran alliance. In 2176 B.C., Anshabah joined with the other seven coastal kingdoms to form the High Kingdom of Nymera.


Half of Anshabah's population lives along the coast in the Chancellery of Djhen, specifically in and around the port city of Tamursen. The other half of the population is spread out among Anshabah's three other provinces.   The lightly populated and (usually) lightly governed hinterlands of Anshabah are a haven for monsters and people looking to keep their doings secret. However, the number of morally questionable wizards looking to build their towers in the Magocracy of Pashlineksa forced the Archmage to take drastic steps. There is now a limit on the number of wizards operating per square mile, and a licensing process in place to record vital statistics like areas of research, etc.



  • Anshabah, Nymeran Kingdom of

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