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Kingdom of Vishayn


By c. 3650 B.C., a few tribes of caisheni and their ausrani allies, having come into contact with the early Godossean settlements, began to form villages of their own. One of the earliest was at the present site of Indrasen, which has a natural deep water port, as well as fertile marshes (at least before they were drained in the early decades). Indrasen was named for a caisheni folk hero from the time of the Massacre at the Crossroads two thousand years before the first settlement. Indras is said to have been a tabaxi who rescued caisheni from persecution, running an underground railroad out of the north to ships who would moor at the present site of the city.   Other settlements soon followed, almost all of them along the coast at first. The most important after Indrasen was the Jomruan city of Cinr which was a cultural and military rival to the early kingdom of Vishayn.   While the pan-Nymeran revivial that led to the creation of the High Kingdom didn't start in Vishayn, it found many of its most powerful backers there. When the High Kingdom of Nymera was founded in 2176 B.C., the first High King was Huon Odrysian, King of Vishayn. He ruled for nearly thirty years as the legendary King Huon I.


  • Principality of Alancion
  • Viscounty of Asunris
  • Principality of Halesia
  • Barony of Kharabeth
  • Theocracy of Marshan
  • Electorate of Nymrisia
  • Regency of Tamureska
  • Maps

    • Vishayn, Nymeran Kingdom of
    Parent Organization
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Neighboring Nations

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