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High Kingdom of Nymera

The capital city of Indrasen is one of the world’s great cities, and the second largest after Tanatra.

White marble walls and white marble towers shimmer in the midsummer heat, a wide bay opens to the sea at the port city of Indrasen, capital of Nymeria. Four thousand years old and all that time ruled by caishenic royalty, caisheni from all over the world flock to Nymeria for safety and opportunity. The streets show it, as the people of Indrasen are an endless menagerie of humanoid/animal hybrids. Yuan-ti children play tag with the children of centaurs and werewolves. A gnoll shopkeeper weighs out bags of flour for a family of satyrs. An obviously intelligent griffon walks down the street, deep in conversation with a robed elf sprouting antlers...  

About Nymera

Nymera is extremely diverse and just as wealthy. The royal family are well loved and have historically used their position to help the people. Poverty and sickness are almost unknown.   The royal family maintain a series of academies to train the most promising young wizards and druids for free. Nymera is tolerant, a center of diplomacy and learning, especially the druidic arts.   The kingdom’s wealth comes from trade with most of the known world. This includes the Tarqan Plains via Haleska and the undersea kingdoms of the Sea of Indras.   Nymera is the major trading partner for the aquatic kingdom of Usaan, and has centuries old ties to the Usaanite royal family as well as friendly relations with the leadership of Ter'ummah, and Adena   The current High King of Nymera is the 68 year old werelion Huon XVII Odrysian. Queen Batheryn is a sea elven princess whose family came from the undersea kingdom of Usaan generations ago. Her sister is Eshriana, High Incantor of the Arcanocracy of Mazdaram.   The capital city of Indrasen is one of the world’s great cities, and the largest (with the possible exception of Tanatra).


Soon after the founding of the Ancient Alousian Empire and the Magisterium of Godossea, the caisheni lands in the south began founding kingdoms. Previously as nomadic as the ausrani caravans, the people of the southern lands first settled near the rich fisheries of the Indrasi coast. The southern interior remained nomadic for centuries while the new coastal towns grew and prospered.   By 2300 B.C., eight kingdoms had been founded along the coast of the Indras Sea. From north to south they were: Millenia later, the kingdoms of Baijan and Dvin would be founded. Baijan seceded from the Magisterium just prior to the collapse of Godossea when the Magisterium had bigger problems. Dvin was formed in the wake of the Halaanic Wars of 223-297 A.C.   By 2176 B.C., the kings and queens of every coastal kingdom but Qurhat had joined forces under Huon Odrysian, King of Vishayn, who was chosen as the first High King of the new nation of Nymera. The proud aarakocra of the Qurhati Mountains refused to bow down to anyone but their own Queen and remained independent. Millennia later, the nation of Haleska peacefully seceded from the High Kingdom, though remained in alliance.   The nomadic tribes of the K'Shanian plains and the hills of Ch'rth remained free and independent of the more formal kingdoms of the south. To this day, they wander free across their lands. Even their capital and ruler are often on the move. While the K'Shanians have built a few large towns and cities, the vast majority of their people are nomadic. This has made them relatively easy to push westward, which the Nymerans did as they expanded their terroritories inland from the coast.   Nymera is one of the great powers of the world. The country is named after the mythical twins Nimrys and Nimros, who are said to have been the first creations of the great Caishen - his children with the awakened lioness Bathassa . Bards say that Nimrys and Nymros were not only the first tabaxi, but the first caisheni, born around seven thousand years ago.   Two thousand years later, the region now known as Nymera was the territory of hundreds of distinct tribes surviving by hunting, gathering, and druidic magic (as they had for ten thousand years). These nomadic caravans were made up of both caisheni and ausrani tribes.   Around five thousand years ago, some of these caravans began to form permanent settlements in places where food was plentiful and/or there were enough druids to feed large sedentary populations. After Cinri in ancient Alousia and Nishima in equally ancient Godossea, one of the earliest such settlements was Indrasen, named for the folk hero Indras.   By 3500 B.C., what would become knowns as Nymera was an alliance of early caisheni city-states. By the 3300's B.C. the caisheni living along the western coast of the Sea of Indras began to refer to themselves as a single people - the Nymerans. Nymeran territory has not changed much, with the exception of Haleska’s secession in 859 B.C.   When the Magisterium of Godossea began to expand out of the city-state of Nishima to the north, Nymera refused to join. Two wars were fought between the early Magisterium and the Nymerans, and while the Godosseans won both Nymeran Wars, it came at such a high price that they sued for peace. With the southern border secured by treaty, Godossea quickly turned its expansionist attention north, though now they were more likely to use diplomacy than violence: the Magisterium quickly negotiated annexation treaties with the elven kingdom of Halaan and the fey kingdom of Cernoa, as well as dozens of smaller kingdoms and city-states to become one of the greatest empires in history.   Exhausted by the Second Nymeran War, within a few generations Nymera had become a protectorate of Godossea. Maintinaing it's indpenedence in name only,   Nymera survived the fall of the Ancient Godossean Empire across its northern border without issue. Being well governed, densely populated, and supported by neighboring undersea allies kept Nymera stable while much of the world fell apart.   King Borein VII Odrysian is the most famous ruler in Nymeran history (followed by the first Nymeran king, King Huon I Odrysian). King Borein led the forces of the Southern Covenant against the invading Empire of Halaan in the Halaanic Wars a thousand years ago. After the war, he was offered the crown of High King of the South, but declined it. However, he wisely insisted that the alliances of the Southern Covenant stay in place as a deterrent against further Halaanese aggression.

The Kingdoms of Nymera

  • Kingdom of Alcantra
  • Kingdom of Anshabah
  • Kingdom of Baerwen
  • Kingdom of Baijan
  • Kingdom of Dvin
  • Kingdom of Jomru
  • Kingdom of Khishri
  • Kingdom of Vishayn
  • Demographics

    Most of the residents of Nymera are caisheni of one kind or another, in a bewildering diversity of animalfolk. There is also a large minority of ausrani (the elves, orcs, humans and the people evolved from them).   Most of the Nymeran ausrani on the coasts are humans and half elves. Orcs and half orcs are more common in the northwest, especially in western Dvin as it lies close to the home of the Cinarians of the Eastmarches in the Carentan Forest. In the northeast, goblin traders from the Tarqan Plains are sometimes encountered, as are goblin families who settled down in the area.   Merchants and other travelers from the sea kingdoms of Usaan, Adena and Ter'ummah are commonly found in port cities. These travelers are mostly sea elves, tritons and locathah, though occasional storm giants, aquatic lycanthropes and sea goblins are seen.   The fey make up another significant minority of the Nymeran population and live throughout the High Kingdom. Many Nymeran fey prefer to live a sylvan life in western Dvin, which was part of the primeval Carentan Forest until about seven hundred years ago and remains wild.   While the least likely to be encountered, the indigenous yesreni are common enough to be familiar everywhere, especially giants, gnomes, and dwarves.

    Geography & Ecology

    Nymera is approximately 1,100 miles north to south and about 600 miles at it widest point west to east. The climate includes temperate forests in the northwest, the edges of the vast Tarqan grasslands in the northeast, to the temperate/subtropical eastern extent of the K'Shanian Plain and finally subtropical forests and mountains in the south.


    King Huon XVII Odrysian, and High Queen Batheryn Seaelven of Ter'ummah. Their son, Crown Prince Dashan ascended the throne during the Death Curse as High King Dashan IX Odrysian.

    Nymera During the Death Curse

      Refers to The Death Curse of 1207 A.C..   [ADD: Remained relatively stable. King Huon and Queen Baethryn died of the death curse. Their oldest child Crown Prince Dashan (age 43) assumed the throne as High King Dashan III. The Sinroan clerics' new democracy cult gained footholds in some parts of the High Kingdom, but in most places the people felt content and safe enough that large-scale social change was a low priority.]
    Huon XVII Odrysian, High King of Nymera
    Retired swashbuckling privateer and spy Tashyn Rhaska is rumored to lead the Unseen in Nymera
    Intermarriage between species is commonly accepted in Nymera
    Ohren Rhôm is the ninth generation owner of a successful produce stand at the Nimrys Market in Indrasen
    Asha Barsyn is Rhôm's bouncer and head of security, there to break up fights and stop shoplifters


    • Nymera, High Kingdom of (geographic)
    • Nymera, High Kingdom of (political)
    Founding Date
    2176 B.C.
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Government System
    Monarchy, Elective
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Official Languages

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