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Kingdom of Haleska

The city is famous both as a cosmopolitan port, and for its enormous, seamless iron and stone Wall.

Stepping off the boat in the large, utilitarian port, the famous walls of Thaan rise up fifty feet above the series of hills the city is built on. The walls are seamless, as if the city were ringed by a single massive stone. It's said that long ago the druids of Cernoa built them out of gratitude after the early Haleskans held off a a goblin invasion from the Tarqan Plains...   The city of Thaan and the kingdom around it are both ruled by a centuries-old dynasty of minotaur merchant-kings. The city is famous both as a cosmopolitan port, and for its enormous, seamless iron and stone Wall. The wall was raised from the earth by druid-wizards from the fey kingdom of Cernoa.   The city-state’s merchant princes are enormously rich, there is a large middle class, and poverty is almost unknown. Thaan’s wealth comes from the city’s position at several trade crossroads. Caravans from Fealand, Nymera, and the Tarqan Plains all pass through Haleska. There is also heavy trade with Adena, the undersea kingdom controlling the Arun Sea. The City of Thaan’s merchant houses negotiated exclusive trade deals with the sea elves, merfolk, and tritons long ago.   There are a large number of warlocks in Haleska. Pact magic was likely brought by the Cernoans who built Thaan's wall during the Halaanic Wars a thousand years ago.   Haleskan eldritch knights and bladesingers are famous worldwide.   While eons younger, Haleska's capital at Thaan is much like Tanatra — a multiracial, cosmopolitan city built on trade and maintaining its independence. For the past few decades, Thaan has also been a favorite vacation spot for the fey nobles of Cernoa to the north.   Haleska is the birthplace of The Grey, a cult dedicated to the basic idea that a giant space monster is coming to eat the planet. Haleska is the only country where The Grey hold any political power, and the cult has its most followers in Thaan.  

Relations with the Sea Kingdom of Adena

Unlike most of the sea kingdoms, Adena regulates trade on the surface of the waters they control. This gives them enormous leverage when negotiating with the kingdom of Haleska. It also makes trade easier for the Haleskans. Since their port of Thaan controls most of the overland trade from the west, north, and east, they also have leverage when negotiating with Adena. Favorable trading terms and mutually-exclusive monopolies have made both countries rich. Together, Haleska and Adena control much of the lucrative trade between the Southern Covenant nations the Tarqan Plains.
Major Populations caisheni, halflings, humans, half-orcs, minotaur, orcs   Minor Populations centaur, fey, goblins, hobgoblins, sea elves, and tritons   Ruler King Rheszebhar III, a minotaur warrior-merchant   Major Languages Godossean   Minor Languages Caishenic, Tarquan
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy

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