The Southern Covenant in Ancathra | World Anvil
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The Southern Covenant

297 A.C.

At the end of the war, King Borein VII of Nymera, a snow lion tabaxi known as Borein the Wise, was offered the crown of High King of the southern kingdoms.   Instead, he brought together all the nations of the south for a conclave at the Nymerian capital of Indrasen. As they had been during the war, the southern nations eventually chose to remain a Covenant of independent nations, offering trade and mutual protection against future invasion by Halaan or others.   They established the Army of the Covenant, a multinational military with forces drawn from all of the Covenant kingdoms. It's High Command is made up of one general from each Covenant nation. The overall leader of the Army, known as the High Lord Protector, is chosen by the High Commanders from among their ranks. Each High Lord Protector serves a term of ten years.   Today, the Covenant nations are:

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