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Uluaan of the Sea

Mother of the Sea, the Fathomless, Uluaan is goddess of the sea, change, memory, and undersea life.

Called Mother of the Sea, and the Fathomless, Uluaan is the creator and incarnation of the world sea. Even among the gods, Uluaan is powerful beyond measure. She defers only to Brea, Mother of All, though Uluaan also particularly likes and respects Adana the Watersister. Though slow to anger and quick to forgive, Uluaan also never forgets. Her ancient, timeless memory stretches back perfectly to before the creation of the world. She most often appears as a giant mermaid with flowing red-green hair and bluish-purple skin.   Uluaan is worshipped by many intelligent undersea creatures, less often on land. Sailors, fishermen and others who live with the sea pray to her for her bounty and beauty. Most also pray to one of the storm gods. There are several to choose from -- the Old Gods Ea the Windsister, Ekwa Dawnfather, and Findra and the Ausranic God Arethus Stormlord. Those who live with the ocean may love Uluaan and her sea, but it's the storms that are terrifying and deadly.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Life, Nature, Tempest, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Stylized head of a trident
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral

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