Erasmus Van Richten Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Erasmus Van Richten

Erasmus Van Richten (a.k.a. Elmo)

Erasmus's life was short, but exciting. He was born in Darkon to Ingrid and Rudolph Van Richten. His father was frequently away, but he had a happy life at home with his mother. He was a very thoughtful and artistic young man who wanted nothing more than to make others as happy as he was. While he had no magical talent, he was a quick study and had the kind of attractive soul that made him many easy friends.   When he was just fourteen, he was kidnapped by his father's enemies. Though he was quickly rescued, he returned home to watch his mother killed by the same enemies. He watched his father grow more bitter and isolated, and chose to go the other way. He remained as soft-hearted and kind as he was before, choosing to take up the mantle of doctor that his father abandoned.   Erasmus was approached by The Abbot and Ezmeralda Ozols, who were gathering a party to defeat Strahd. They had initially come seeking his father, but the Abbot found that Erasmus's demeanor and healing ability was much more attractive. Erasmus was eager to join their group, especially when he heard how many people were trapped under Strahd's rule.   Unfortunately, their group was not successful. The entire group perished at Castle Ravenloft. All but Erasmus got taken by the reincarnation cycle, while he found himself drifting through the halls of Castle Ravenloft as a ghost. He befriended some of the servants and thralls, and managed to avoid catching Strahd's attention.

Mental characteristics


Erasmus is aromantic.
9804 9828 24 years old

Character Portrait image: Storyteller by littleulvar