Ezmeralda Ozols Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Ezmeralda Ozols

The Elder Ezmeralda Ozols (a.k.a. Mira)

Ezmeralda the Elder, as she came to be known after giving birth to her first and only daughter, was a Vistana born in the miserable valley of Barovia. She is closely tied to the history of Barovia as it exists now. She was a headstrong and adventurous woman who loved life and danger.   Three decades ago, she met a group of adventurers led by The Abbot attempt to defeat Strahd. The group failed, and all but Ezmeralda perished. Having grown very close to the party, she was devastated by their deaths and vowed to give up adventuring. She retired to live with her family, traveling with her Vistani family and hunting monsters no longer.   The events of that horrible attempt returned to haunt her only a few years later in the form of Rudolph van Richten, who sought vengeance against her for the loss of his son. Convinced that his son was still alive and being held captive by the Vistani, he tortured Ezmeralda and her husband, and held their young daughter hostage until he was finally satisfied that she truly believed his son was dead. He left them, stating that their torture was punishment for leading his son astray and allowing him to perish.   This event further broke Ezmeralda's spirit. She has fallen deeply into misery and melancholy, and lives daily with the pain of what Van Richten did to her. When her husband found love in another, she let him go, dissolving their marriage and choosing to live among the Vistani in the Tser Pool Encampment far from him. She no longer wears the veil or braids of the Vistani, but they have refused to formally exile her, despite her interfering with history.


Ezmeralda Ozols

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Natanael Ozols



Natanael Ozols

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ezmeralda Ozols



Date of Birth
679 BR
Year of Birth
9798 65 Years old
Natanael Ozols (Husband)
Character Portrait image: Elderly Isabela by Danya224