The Abbot Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Abbot

Sahak Panosyan

About 35 years ago, a stranger came to the valley, accompanied by adventurers. They got to Krezk, several of their number gravely injured. He requested use of the Temple for them to rest, as he was himself a holy man. He did not accompany the adventurers on their eventual battle against Strahd, which perhaps is why he survived. He chose to remain in Krezk after the fact, and Strahd chose to leave him alone. He became known to the people as The Abbot.   The Abbot presents himself as a human man, but in truth he is a Messenger of the god Rahm. He does not explicitly hide this fact and will openly tell the truth if asked. He was sent to Barovia by Rahm, who wished to see the discord sown by Canis stopped. To this end, he hired a large group of adventurers to accompany him. At first, he believed that killing Strahd was the key to freeing the valley, but after his party perished, he appealed to his god for help. Instead, Canis answered. The lying head, Kurz, has been masquerading as the god Rahm for years now, manipulating The Abbot to commit unspeakable acts.   The Abbot hopes now to redeem Strahd by ending his misery, and to this end has begun to craft the perfect bride. He believes that Tatyana's soul being corrupted as a vampire will not lift the land's curse, but nor will Strahd being forced to live apart from her. So he has begun to craft an undying body of great beauty as a host for Tatyana's lost soul, eventually birthing the creature known as Voski. If he meets Tatyana's incarnation, he will attempt to convince the party to leave her with him, so he can kill her and place her soul in this vessel. He will not reveal the details of his plan, only that he will keep her safe and help facilitate an end to the misery of the valley. If truly pressed, he will reveal his plan, for he believes he is being guided by holy powers.   The Abbot is now equally adored in Krezk as a healer, and feared as a potential pawn of Strahd. The desperate come to him for healing, and he either uses them for his own ends (if they are soulless), or heals them and releases them back to spread word of his good deeds (if they have souls.) Due to his corrupted nature, a growing number of the limbs and organs he magically regenerates mutate into animal parts, resulting in those patients called The Regrown. The Regrown are free to leave the Temple if they please, but know they would be feared if they did. So they remain. Only one Regrown has ever left the Temple: Izek Stefanovic Vallachovic.   The Abbot uses the hair of his patients to craft concoctions to make the townsfolk forget those who disappear. Everyone but the town's midwife have at some point drank the Forget Potion, and she may entreat the players not to trust him. She may also ask them to please investigate the disappearances.   The patients at the Temple are not treated well by the Abbot. He routinely forgets them in the pursuit of new patients, or the education of Voski. He has full control of the food and drink in the Temple, so there are days the patients go without food. In addition, many of their mutations cause them severe pain or dysphoria, which he is blinded to in his pursuit of his "god's" instruction.



Creation (Important)

Towards The Abbot



The Abbot

Creator (Vital)

Towards Voski




The Abbot created Voski ten years ago in his attempts to redeem the vampire Strahd. He has spent the past ten years teaching her etiquette, history, medicine, and penmanship. The Abbot is dedicated to seeing Voski's purpose fulfilled at all costs. Due to the lies and half-truths the Abbot has fed her, Voski is also willing to do what she was created to do.

Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Location
He/Him mostly (all accepted)

The Abbot [WIP] CR: 10

Medium celestial, lawful good
Armor Class:
Hit Points:













Languages: All, Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge Rating: 10