Felis Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Before Strahd's unorthodox rise to dark power, a different power prevaled over the valley: a pair of twin Quasi-Gods with the collective name Felis. They were worshipped alongside the Morninglord as a local deity, and were especially beloved by the druids who lived in the deep woods of the valley.   When war came to the valley, Felis's power was severely weakened. As they waned, the power of their counterpart, Canis, grew. Strahd came into contact with Canis, and he made a deal to weaken Felis further and usher in their rival's growth.   When Felis is at full power, they always appear together, regardless of who you are speaking to. In their weakened state, they appear apart.   Hibi in her weakened state appears as a pitch black kitten with unnaturally bright golden eyes. She cannot speak in this form, but will lead willing PC's to places of harmony, and towards ways to bring her back to power. When she is at full power, Hibi appears as a massive black cat with the same eyes, and the black wings of a raven folded on her back. The ravens of Barovia are her children, and her strength.   Faran in his weakened state looks like an emaciated tuxedo tomcat with no eyes. He cannot speak in this form, but just as Hibi he will lead the PC's to place of harmony, or towards his own reconsecration. When he is at full power, Faran appears as a massive tuxedo cat with four bright blue eyes (two where they should be, one on his forehead and one on his chest) and three tails. The magpies of Barovia are his children, and his eyes.   Felis is unable to lie, even by omission. Any question they are asked, they must answer.  

Learning of Felis

The players can learn of Felis a variety of ways. These can lead them to reconsecrating their holy sites.  
  • The elders of the Barovian Druids remember a time they worshiped another being
  • The Vistani know of the divine history of the valley, including Felis
  • The Wereravens still worship Felis
  • The magpies may lead the party to Felis's weakened bodies or places of power
  • Baba Lysaga knows of Felis, as she is well-studied
  • Felis may reveal themself to a willing and worthy party member

How Strahd Defeated Felis

When Strahd fell back to the valley, he knew not who he killed. With war on his heels, harmony vanished and despair fell on the people of Barovia. As their fear and misery grew, so too did Canis. When Strahd appealed to "any power" that might allow him to persevere over his enemies, it was Canis who answered. The first task they gave him was to weaken Felis and secure their own hold on Barovia.   During the war, Strahd desecrated Hibi's holy place at the Standing Stones near the village of Berez. He sought out Felis's champion, a monk who lived deep in the woods named Rishi. The man was tortured until he was on the brink of death, and then brought to the Stones. He was tied to the easternmost stone, and starved. The only food given to him was the raw meat of ravens. This torment lasted for an entire month, overseen by a good friend while Strahd fought. Just before the man could reach the peace of death, his heart was cut out. The monk now haunts the village of Berez as The Hunger, a perverted ghost of his former self who seeks his own heart, and devours those of others.   It was not until after his death that Strahd saw to desecrating Faran's s holy place at the Megalith. Strahd instructed a number of his mage followers to capture as many magpies as they could, bring them to the Megalith, and kill them. To this day, once a year, the coven of witches now residing at the Mistwatch Mill ritualistically slaughter magpies and the ground there is scattered with feathers and bones. The meat of the birds, and the bones of children, are then fed to the unsuspecting population of Barovia in a twisted cycle of desecration.


In order to reconsecrate Felis's holy spaces, the players must first learn of how to do it. This will be significantly more difficult than simply learning of Felis's existence. Once they discover the ways to do it, they must actually work for it. The ways to re-consecrate each holy place is in their articles: Standing Stones and Megalith.

Divine Domains

Felis does not have a domain the way a typical god might. Their "domain" would be defined as Harmony, opposed by Canis's Chaos.
Divine Classification