Izek Stefanovic Vallachovic Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Izek Stefanovic Vallachovic

Izek Voronin has, like many children in Barovia, had an extremely difficult life from an early age. He was a normal child for a brief period of time, and then all of a sudden his behavior became bizarre and erratic. He would spend hours staring off, and then would go into a frenzy where he would tear things apart as he looked for "it." The only person able to calm him down when he got these frenzies was his twin sister Ireena.   When he was around six, his family was fishing when they were attacked by dire wolves. Izek's arm was badly injured, and in the chaos, Ireena was lost. The worst was obviously assumed, and it tore their family apart.   The Voronin family fell apart. Young Izek's arm had to be amputated, and his erratic "searches" grew more frequent as he added his sister to the list of things he needed to find. His uncle, whose idea the trip had been, was driven to suicide over the outcome. His father began to waste away, and left one day never to return. His grief-stricken mother held on, for her son's sake. When he was ten, however, she fell ill and passed away.   Other children had always treated Izek with disdain, and this only worsened with his mother's passing. From a very young age, he took to drinking wine to ease his agitation. One day about five years later, someone made the mistake of provoking him during one of his searching "frenzies." Izek snapped, and killed the other child. He was dragged before the burgomaster, who saw in him a tool to be sharpened rather than a problem.   The burgomaster adopted the young boy, and began to shape him as he wished. The child Izek grew to a man, fiercely loyal to his adoptive father who fanned and encouraged his anger. He is used as an enforcer for his father's will.   A few months ago, Izek was grievously injured while joining his father in the hunt. His injuries were so great, he was sure to die in weeks, if not days. He was sent to Krezk, where the healing of those in The Sunrise Temple was renowned. Like all who went to the Abbot for healing, his recovery came with a price. Several weeks after returning home, he woke in agony to find his right arm, which he had lost as a child, had regrown at twice its original size, and had grown long black claws that could slice through anything before him. He could create fire with a snap of his devilish new fingers, and has used this newfound power to to put the fear of the darkness in every Vallakian.


Victor Vallacovich

Adopted Brother (Trivial)

Towards Izek Stefanovic Vallachovic



Izek Stefanovic Vallachovic

Adopted Brother (Trivial)

Towards Victor Vallacovich



Current Location
Year of Birth
9838 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Elder of twins
Parents (Adopting)
Victor Vallacovich (Adopted Brother)
Related Plots

Izek Vallachovic

Medium Human, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) 15d8+45
Speed: 30 ft


( +4 )


( +2 )


( +3 )


( +0 )


( -1 )


( +2 )

Skills Intimidation +8, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge Rating 5

Soul Pull. When Izek begins his turn in visual range of his Twin Pull (Agueda Morozov in this case), they are both forced to make a DC15 Wisdom saving throw, or become focused solely on killing one another. If one of them succeeds on the saving throw and the other doesn't, they can attempt to Pull and force the other to make the saving throw again.   Psychic Blade. As a bonus action, Izek activates a edge to his blade. While this effect is active, he does an additional 1d4 psychic damage.


Multiattack. Izek makes two attacks with his battleaxe.   Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) 2d8+4 slashing damage, or 15 (2d10 + 4) 2d10+4 when used with two hands.   Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack. +5 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) 3d6 fire damage. If the target is a flammable object isn't being worn or carried, it catches fire.

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