Kasimir Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Kasimir was born in the Valley to a group of refugees from a decimated elven nation. His twin sister, Patrina caused problems in Felis's realm from a young age, and vanished when she wasn't even an adult. Though he missed her, the Valley eased his sorrow.   She returned after not too much time, but brought with her the Valley's destruction. She remained with Strahd for a short time, then returned to the commune until his undeath. She returned to him against her family's wishes. She kept it secret from everyone but Kasimir.   Kasimir knew what Strahd would bring to Patrina, and refused to let his sister suffer that fate. He alerted the rest of the commune to Patrina's plans, and when she returned before she could be turned, they killed her. This brought Strahd's wrath upon them. Kasimir's ears were cut, and he was tied in the center of the commune and forced to watch Rahadin kill every child-bearing elf in the commune.   Since then, Kasimir has lived with the guilt of what he did. While he believes that he was in the right, he is devastated that he had to kill his own sister, and brought destruction to his family.   In recent months, Kasimir has begun to dream of Patrina. She begs him for forgiveness, and whispers to him of ways to bring her back to life that they may be reunited.



Sister (Important)

Towards Kasimir




Brother (Vital)

Towards Patrina



Year of Birth
8968 895 Years old
Patrina (Sister)

Character Portrait image: Feanor's Line Warm-Ups by Yeni