Livianna Sentrissa Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Livianna Sentrissa

The Warden

Known as the Warden, Livianna took the Isle from the black dragon that ruled it, and now oversees the Obsidian Tower and all of its prisoners. While this may seem like a prestigious position, it is well-known that everything about the position is a slight against her by the Emperor, who knows she is a restless adventurer known for her monster-hunting expeditions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Livianna was born in poverty on the outskirts of the Samael Empire. Her mother died shortly after her birth, and she was raised by her father for the first seventy or so years of her life. At that point, her father met and married a noblewoman and Livianna found herself propelled to nobility. Very shortly after getting married, her father secured his place by fathering her sisters. Livianna has three younger sisters, Lyra, Lizerith, and Lareni.   Despite being a noblewoman by marriage, Livianna spent very little time in court. She had begun training as a hunter when she was still young, with the intention of supporting her ailing father with the money she made from bounties. She didn't cease training after he got married, and began going on expeditions as soon as she came of age. She became well-known as a dragon hunter, and led many expeditions that resulted in heads to adorn the palace. These expeditions put her in the sights of the newly crowned Emperor, who began courting her.   After over a hundred years of dancing around the issue, Livianna finally put her foot down, and told the Emperor plainly (and quite rudely, if the tales are to believed) that she would never marry him. Not even a day later, she received a royal order: take the Black Isle off the coast, for the glory of the Empire. Rather than risk dragging her family into disgrace, Livianna bowed to his wishes and set out. She gathered a small army of willing soldiers, almost all exiles and deserters themselves, and she stormed the Isle.   In what is considered her greatest of many defiances, Livianna began her campaign on the Isle after two full years. For four years, no word came from her or her soldiers to the Empire, and many considered her lost. And then, just as celebrations were beginning for the Emperor's birthday, a soldier bearing Livianna's family crest walked into court with an announcement: the Black Isle was taken in the name of the Empire. Livianna had slain the black dragon, and driven her minions into the depths of the forest. The dragon's lair was plundered, her eggs smashed, and the seat of her power, the Obsidian Tower, now flew the Empire's flag.   Livianna's suicidal quest was punishment for rejecting the Emperor's advance. Her punishment for surviving was this: the Emperor announced the Isle as the perfect place to set up a new prison for his most dangerous prisoners. In a matter of months, they had reshaped the Tower to what they needed. The moment she declared it safe, they began moving prisoners into the Tower. Since then, she has overseen the three settlements on the Isle with the title of Warden. Beyond her occasional hunting ventures into the forest, Livianna has effectively giving up her career as a monster hunter.


Livianna is bisexual, with a strong preference for women.


Livianna had a retroactive noble education. Most of her knowledge is practical and related to hunting and tracking monsters.

She is a disgraced monster hunter punished with the rule of the Black Isle. She has taken to her role with a characteristic zeal, and rules with an iron fist.

Character Location
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Lawful Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
22nd of Third Sun, 399 LD
Year of Birth
9383 480 Years old
Green, narrow
Long, brown with grey streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
158 lbs
Known Languages
Elven (fluent, first language), Draconic (fluent), Orcish (semi-fluent), Dwarvish (semi-fluent)