The Obsidan Tower Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Obsidan Tower

This is where you live lol
The Tower rises menacingly above the forest around it. The black monolith is visible even through the thickest parts of the forest. Are you approach, you are dwarfed by a massive structure tall and wide enough to take up your entire view. It is solid black all the way up, but hung from certain intervals are massive banners displaying the Imperial Banner. (On a DC 16 Perception check) Whole sections of it glitter in the light, large windows that look to have been bricked up from the inside. You travel through a large iron gate guarded by four guards, two on each side, each dressed in glittering white plate mail.
  The Obsidian Tower, often simply called "The Tower," is a massive building that has been used from

Purpose / Function

The Obsidian Tower is a prison for the Samael Empire's most dangerous and offensive criminals.


The entire top three floors were destroyed when the Warden took the Isle. The rest of the floors were heavily modified to fit rings of prison cells, and magical enchantments were placed on certain floors for extra security. A block floor is a large circular room about 185 ft across, ringed with fifty-one doors, 50 of which lead to 7ft by 10ft cells with two feet of stone separating each cell wall from the next. The fifty-first door is a manual elevator, which goes all the way down to the solitary confinement cells. There are seven large low tables with cushions for the prisoners to sit on. Other than the small windows in some cells, there are no windows on any of the block floors, and they are lit by torches and candle-lit chandeliers.   There is a spiral staircase in the center of each room, the landing of which may be guarded. The staircase is wide enough for several people to walk side by side, but the rails are very short to discourage running. It goes from the bottom floor up to the 28th floor.


The Tower is made entirely of uneven black stone, and looks more like a gigantic sculpture of rock than a built structure. Whatever shape it once had has been lost to war and time. It is thirty stories tall and is more than 200 feet around. It is a solid obsidian structure that rises like a monolith into the heavens. Although from the inside it looks as though there are no windows, looking from the outside reveals that there are very large windows depicting the black dragon who ruled the Isle going all the way up the Tower. Almost all of these windows have been bricked over from the inside. Only the windows on the ground floor remain untouched. Some of the prison cells have small sections of uncovered window they can see through. These cells are generally given to non-dwarf and non-drow prisoners.   There are two entrances, one grand door in the front and a smaller door in the back. Each door is guarded by four guards on the outside and two guards on the inside.


The Tower was the seat of the dragon's power, and was taken when the Warden defeated her.
Alternative Names
The Tower
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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