The Black Isle Geographic Location in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Black Isle

To the north of the continent of Ditea, across the warm and story Gem Sea, there is an emerald among the sapphires. Wrapped in a cloak of dark storm clouds is an island with a long and contentious history. Bow-shaped buildings in teal and gold cluster on the coast, overshadowed by towers of obsidian and silver. One tower stands taller than the rest, with stones and a purpose darker than its fellows.
  The campaign takes place on the Black Isle, a huge island off the continent of Ditea. There are conflicting histories told about the Isle, but it is known that a black dragon ruled it for a number of years. Two hundred years ago, the island was liberated by Liviana Sintrissa. The Isle now houses the Obsidian Tower, the highest security prison in Samael. The island is only accessible by ship or by magic. The sea surrounding the Isle is notoriously stormy and violent, and there are only a few months a year during which ships can safely approach.   The Isle is mostly untamed land, and the land that the Empire controls is being used essentially as a penal colony.


From the farthest western tip to the east, the Isle is about 810 miles across.   Despite what the name would suggest, the Black Isle is huge. The majority of the land is rainforest, with swathes of deciduous forest around the eastern and western edges. The top and bottom are tundra and glacier, and patches of wetlands dot the outer edges. It has been suggested there may be some volcanic activity underground, but the Empire hasn't ventured deep enough into the heart of the Isle to confirm or deny this possibility.

Fauna & Flora

While there are many creatures that live native on the Isle, these do not account for all of the fauna. In addition to prisoners, the Empire also sends monsters to the Isle, partially to get them out of sight and mind, and partially to keep the population of the Isle corralled to just the one area the Empire holds control over.

Natural Resources

The Tower is situated square in the center of forests that allow for agriculture.


For at least three hundred years, the Isle was taken by a black dragon. Although the Samael Empire claimed it on paper, they had no control over it.   Two hundred years ago, the Empire sent Livianna Sentrissa, a disgraced monster hunter, to take back the Isle. It was intended to be a suicide mission, but against all odds she succeeded. It is now "mostly" under the control of the Empire.


  • The Isle
    A blank biome map of the Isle, for player reference. Only asset marked is the Tower.
Alternative Name(s)
The Isle,The Lady's Isle
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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