The "Dusk" Elves in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The "Dusk" Elves

The "dusk elves" of Barovia are all that remain of a once proud nation known as the Duskwine Queendom.
Centuries ago, before Barov was Count, he was part of a great battle. In that battle, his life was saved by the enemy: an young elven soldier named Rahadin. Fate brought these two together multiple times over the course of the war between their nations. Rahadin later joined Barov's forces, and was instrumental in winning the war against his own people. Barov was so grateful that he invited Rahadin back to his home with him, and, later, formally brought him into his family as an adoptive brother. He has lived with the Von Zarovich family ever since, a proud and cold-blooded brother.   Years later, when Strahd was cursed, it was Rahadin suggested the idea of seeking the remnants of that elven nation he had forsaken all those years ago, for they were once powerful mages. Together they searched for any surviving elves of Duskwine, and found only one, a young woman named Patrina. It was she who told Strahd of the Valley, home to a great many powerful forces, as well as the remaining members of her family. After their nation was conquered and razed by Svitar, the survivors found sanctuary in the sleepy shadows of the Valley.   Patrina was, from the beginning, attempting to seduce Strahd, but upon he paid her little attention. Having been exiled from the Valley, Patrina was unable to enter it again until Strahd removed from power those who had banished her. When she did enter, she was eager to join Strahd in undeath. Not willing to be bitten by him and risk being a spawn or thrall, she appealed directly to the same powers he had , who gave her a similar mission to what had been given to Strahd. When she attempted to take the life of her twin brother, however, he overpowered and killed her. Due to her exile and actions in life, Patrina was not kept by her family in life. The dusk elves allowed Strahd to take her body, and she was placed in his crypt.

Articles under The "Dusk" Elves