Christmas Elves

Christmas and Claus Elve, or just Christmas Elves, are elfin folk working for Santa Claus. Common nicknames they are known by include: Santa's Helpers (sometimes styled as Santa’s Little Helpers) and Santa’s Elves. These elves are the only ones connected to a holiday and its’ spirit. Three other species are Santa’s Holiday Helpers. These are the Flyers of Claus and Christmas, the Polar Bears and Polar North Yetis - Hairy Humanoids. All live at The North Pole. The original group of elves are from Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor, the Elvin city of hope and goodwill. They and their descendants do their duties to fulfill the Mission of Noel for Santa.

Physical Description of Christmas Elves

Christmas Elves, as fey people, are often between four foot and five foot tall. All have pointy ears. All also have powers which are talked about further down. Those working for Santa Claus wear colorful clothing. Sometimes, they wear red and green “uniforms”. This uniform is worn more at Christmastime but sometimes also for celebratory holidays (Leon Day (the halfway mark to Christmas) and the Christmas Season Midway Point). This is the day that kicks off the North Pole Christmas Season. Now, some jobs do require clothing and so they usually dress for their jobs.

The Quarters include spaces for all living creatures. Yet, the largest two are the elfin development and Christmas and Claus Stables (Reindeer Residences) found outside the city proper. The elfin development lies close to the Reindeer Residences. All elves reside in this big development. There are many houses. Designs abound based on taste and wants for a particular elf or elfin family. Mansions exist in a secured inner sanctum of this development for the North Pole’s Most Distinguished Elves, the Christmas Department Director Heads. These are the elves who are very important to the governing of Christmas.  

Health and Nutrition

Christmas Elves live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. However, this is used nontraditionally. Christmas Elves, being between 3’ 2” and 4’ 6”, have a physiological difference then most magical species. Their bodies take confections (hard and jelly candies, ice cream and chocolate) and quickly converts them into energy. Thus, the elves can do more work in a full day than they could’ve normally done. During meals, they do eat actual food that’s good for them. They also do get exercise. Many get it through their job but there is a health and wellness center for those that don’t get exercise through their job of for those that need more exercise. Unlike Humans, elfin life is seen through a different lens. Elves are generally seen as more connected with their emotions than Humans are. Their wisdom and logic help this. However, Ancient Power going away had these elves afraid and in grief. Nicholas and Gertrude helped them to shift from using magic to not using magic.Both knew it wasn’t going to be easy but helped them, nonetheless. The elves eventually felt that not using magic was all bad. It was Santa that suggested the elves continue making Toys in the workshop after he leaves. And they did. Elvin mental and physical health is a top priority for Nicholas then for Baxter.  

Elves as Devilish Pranksters/Work Attitudes

There has long been a reputation for elves, either inside or outside of Polar North, to be mischievous pranksters. It’s in their blood. No matter what type of work an elf does, they always allow pranks. This, funnily enough, has a positive impact on their mental and physical health. Elves can be serious and Christmas Elves prove that in their dedication to the Mission of Noel. Elfin folk often find balance between seriousness and playfulness at work or in their daily lives outside of work. Elves put trust and faith where it belongs.  

Language or Tongue

Elves speak a language unfamiliar to Humans. It is an extremely old tongue spoken mostly by the Fey. It is often called the Mystic Tongue of Ancient Power as other species speak it as well. The Guardians understand and speak it as well. Father Time and Mother Nature were the first to speak it. Baxter was the last original Guardians to speak and understand this language. His wife and children speak it as well. There is also something else. What was it? Oh, Christmas Elves in The North Pole speak in words and phrases as if it is English but like Northern Pole English. It seems like another language. But it is basically the difference between American, British, and Australian English. There are lots of words and phrases but a sample of them appears below.

Common Sentences/Phrases

Merry Christmas! – Instead of good day/good morning/good night. Holly Jolly! – Instead of gosh or golly. Used in happy times. Holly jolly day we’re having! – This is a fantastic day! Jolly Old St. Nicholas – Used instead of Santa Claus when talking to him Jingle some bells and sing some carols – Used as a way to say that an elf will work hard and have some fun while doing it. It is meant to be said with an excited voice as elves really do work and play at the same time. Wonderful Christmastime! – We love this season! Silent Night – Quiet time or used to denote secrecy Deck the halls! – Used when either is decorating or to teel the elves to return back to work. Often said happily so people know it is code. Big Man in Red – Refers to Santa Claus. Used mostly on Christmas Eve. Big Woman in Green – Refers to Mrs. Claus. Used mostly on Christmas Eve. We wish you a Merry Christmas! – Used to let people know to have a good time. Sometimes used as what it actually says. Tannenbaum – Home. Often The North Pole but sometimes just where Santa’s Helpers live. Caves or Reindeer Residences or elfin homes. Baby, please come home for Christmas! – Used by Mrs. Claus so Santa he needs to get back safely. Always a goal but there have been close calls. Jingle Bells and Candy Canes! – Used to denote a bad situation (sometimes emergencies) by those living up north. Holy Night! – Used to denote something surprising or an emergency (usually as O Holy Night!). Partridge in a Pear Tree – Santa in the sleigh. Used on Christmas Eve. CE & CD – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day  

Elfin Jobs with Santa

There are a number of jobs that elves can do. Those in Santa’s Toy Workshop Castle make and wrap toys. Some even design or test toys! Elves in the Hall of Records and Post Office often sort through the letters or keep track of data. Lots of lists here! Kitchen and Baker Elves cook and feed all the hungry bellies. Elves working in Christmas and Claus Stables (Reindeer Residences) feed, train and ensure the reindeer are healthy and fit to work. Some elves also scope their poop and clean/re-do their stalls. These elves also shine their harnesses. The Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing (Sleigh Garage/Barns) work to ensure all vehicles AKA sleighs are fit for duty. For the sleighs used on Christmas Eve, they make sure it is perfect for Santa as it is polished and cleaned. Elves in the Division of Santa’s Launch load the bag. They help load it into the sleigh. Other elves also harness the reindeer. There are elves dealing with the launch countdown itself. Other elves teach at the Institute for Merriness Studies. Since elves are clean and organizing freaks, every elf helps to clean and have things where they should be.  

Christmas Powers

Elves volunteered to help Nicholas and so received powers in relation to the Christmas Spirit. This also let them become Christmas and Claus Elves. As helpers of Santa Claus, there were many powers distributed to all elves. All Elves receive Noel Magi-Ergokinesis and its’ sub-power. Christmas Spirit and Belief Manipulation and Empowerment. The Gift of Empathic Navigation is something else they receive. And all elves were blessed with skills for jobs. The first skill is Toy Manipulation/Creation. Toy Manipulation/Creation is a power passed on to elves who work in Santa’s Toy Workshop Castle. Those who make and wrap toys have this ability. The Elves who work in the Post Office/Hall of Records are mostly normal. However, The Naughty & Nice List Sub-Division know (through extraordinary means) where kids should be placed on the list. Elves in Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing (Sleigh Garage/Barns) fix sleighs and carriages. Vehicle Intuition, Chariot Riders Aptitude and Mystical Animal Empowerment (Companionship, Bonding, Telepathy and Empathy) are shared between elves in Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing (Sleigh Garage/Barns) and the elves who are a part of Christmas and Claus Stables (Reindeer Residences). Those who work around the reindeer have powers from above. Vehicle Intuition, Riders Aptitude (Chariot Riders Aptitude) and Mystical Animal Empowerment (Companionship, Bonding, Telepathy and Empathy) are powers that not only Baxter and Nicholas have but the elves who are a part of Christmas and Claus Stables (Reindeer Residences) and Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing (Sleigh Garage/Barns).


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