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Initially founded as a loggers settlement to keep up with the demand for workable wood from the citizens of Acaron in 7a 562, Halgen's growth quickly uncovered what was initially thought to be another Vault from the sixth era. The townsfolk sent a five-man team to investigate, and none returned. Over the course of the next decade, dozens of teams would be sent into the pit now referred to as the God's Vault . Each expedition would make it deeper into the vault, moving floors down at a time, and eventually the area would become the site of Acarius' first Adventurer's Guild. Though many of the floors of the vault have been mapped, and expeditions are frequent, regardless of the amount of creatures and beasts slain more continue to be found - seemingly spawning in the floors somehow. Currently, two safe zones have been discovered in the God's Vault  - the fifth and fifteenth floors - and expeditions have managed a depth of eighteen floors total.
Apart from forestry, the resources looted from the corpses of the vault's denizens yield a high profit for those daring enough to enter, and the entire premise of the Adventurer's Guild serves as a way to train an impromptu army for the Arcarian's if the time were to arise.


The primary workforces of Halgen are Human, Half-Orc, Dwarves, and any other races more evolved for hard labor. The Adventurer's Guild however draws potential recruits from all backgrounds and walks of life, and their presence has brought many different trades to Halgen - even talk of establishing an Arcane University in the city.


The Halgen government is split into two distinct parties, each with elected officials who speak in the council at Acaron - the People's Voice of Halgen, representing the loggers and the founding nature of the city, and the more militaristic Adventurer's Front who represent the tradies and guild members. Each of these parties elects ambassadors from within, and both work together to solidify Halgen's often shifting economy.


Defenses in Halgen consist of two major points - the large stone wall that surrounds the city proper, and the seemingly never-ending masses of the Adventurer's Guild.

Industry & Trade

Established centuries ago to be a logging town, the forestry sector is the largest of any in the Kingdom of Acarius . Trade is primarily the export of wood (goods, treated, processed or raw), though the Adventurer's Guild's exploits have slowly added to the list of goods available for export.
Importing is done primarily on the behalf of the Adventurer's Guild and is made up of artifacts from the Tajir Mutaji as well as metals from Orivos .


Halgen, modelled closely after Acaron , boasts a large sewer system with a sister-network of freshwater pipelines that draw from both the Worldspire Mountains  to the west as well as Sanctuary Bay to the south. The logging caravans travel to the small hamlet of Vicarion to the south as well as directly to Acaron, where the unprocessed wood is shipped to wherever it needs to be via the appropriate channels.


The Adventurer's Guild has brought many assets to Halgen that may not be present in other towns - established mages hawk wares purchased from the Tajir Mutaji to the south, smiths work directly with suppliers from Orivos  to ensure the finest quality equipment is available. Of course furniture makers, farmers, and foresters also make up the bulk of the city trade.

Guilds and Factions

The only official guild present is the Adventurer's Guild. The city boasts two factions, the People's Voice of Halgen and the Adventurer's Front.
The God Vault was discovered in 7a 565, three years after Halgen's founding.
Though expeditions have managed to traverse up to 18 floors down, the total 
size of the vault still remains unknown.
Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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