
Larger and rougher around the edges, Anteater Mustelidae inhabit remote regions, favoring serene mountainous or forested environments. Despite their imposing stature, they typically seek harmony and tranquility in their surroundings.


A tough and typically caring race of Mustelidae, Anteaters are larger than most of their race and somewhat more rough around the edges. Known to inhabit sparsely inhabited areas and small villages, they usually maintain a preference towards peaceful areas in more mountainous or forested environments.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


The Mustelidae are a diverse group of medium-sized mammals known for their innate abilities within the various "skilled trades". There are many subraces with the most prominent being raccoons, otters, skunks, badgers, sloths, and weasels. Though the evolutionary accuracy is debatable, the Armadillo, Aardvark, and Anteater subraces also identify as fringe members of this race.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You are innately nimble and flexible. You have +2 Dexterity (to a maximum of 20).  

DEI Experts

You are part of a broad and diverse race and as such have grown up to appreciate the importance of tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion. You are generally well-liked due to your genuine compassion and are often able to understand where others are coming from without needing to have deep knowledge of them. You have either +1 Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom. You have advantage on Insight checks.
race features:

Keen Smell

You have a strong sense of smell and a keen nose for scents, and have advantage on perception checks that rely on smell.

Prehensile Tongue

As a bonus action you may make an unarmed strike with your prehensile tongue. You are proficient with this attack and on a hit it deals 1d6 slashing damage plus your dexterity modifier. This attack has the reach property (a range of 10ft).