
Agile and clever, Weasel Mustelidae, along with similar subraces like Ferrets and Minks, are often misunderstood due to their dexterous nature. While some may succumb to petty crimes in their youth, most are productive members of society seeking to dispel stereotypes and contribute positively.


Weasel Mustelidae, as well as similar but less common subraces like Ferrets and Mink, are lanky, nimbly built standing at about 4 feet tall. They are often mistakenly labeled by those outside the Mustelidae community as untrustworthy due to their propensity to be extremely clever and dexterous, so it is not unheard of for young misguided members of the group to turn to petty crimes. However, as within any group, most are well-meaning, contributing members of society who don't want to be stereotyped by mistakes made when they were young and foolish.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


The Mustelidae are a diverse group of medium-sized mammals known for their innate abilities within the various "skilled trades". There are many subraces with the most prominent being raccoons, otters, skunks, badgers, sloths, and weasels. Though the evolutionary accuracy is debatable, the Armadillo, Aardvark, and Anteater subraces also identify as fringe members of this race.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You are innately nimble and flexible. You have +2 Dexterity (to a maximum of 20).  

DEI Experts

You are part of a broad and diverse race and as such have grown up to appreciate the importance of tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion. You are generally well-liked due to your genuine compassion and are often able to understand where others are coming from without needing to have deep knowledge of them. You have either +1 Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom. You have advantage on Insight checks.
race features:

Sharp Teeth

You can make an unarmed bite attack for 1d4 Piercing damage.

Nimble Fingers

You have proficiency with Thieves' Tools.