
The Mustelidaes a diverse array of medium-sized mammals renowned for their innate abilities within various skilled trades who reside in the country of Mustelidae in the center of Mammalia. From artisans to aquatic experts, the Mustelidae demonstrate remarkable adaptability and proficiency across a spectrum of professions. Known for their compassion, tolerance, and genuine understanding, the Mustelidae embrace diversity and inclusion, fostering harmonious relations within their communities and beyond.
Core members of the Mustelidae race include Badgers, Raccoons, Otters, Skunks, Weasels, and Sloths. Fringe members of the Mustelidae race include Armadillos, Aardvarks, and Anteaters, each contributing their unique characteristics despite having debatable shared ancestry.
With their diverse talents, adaptable nature, and unwavering commitment to inclusivity, the Mustelidae epitomize the spirit of cooperation and unity. From bustling cities to serene forests, Mustelidae communities thrive, guided by principles of tolerance, understanding, and respect for all.


The Mustelidae are a diverse group of medium-sized mammals known for their innate abilities within the various "skilled trades". There are many subraces with the most prominent being raccoons, otters, skunks, badgers, sloths, and weasels. Though the evolutionary accuracy is debatable, the Armadillo, Aardvark, and Anteater subraces also identify as fringe members of this race.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:


Aardvark are a squat folk, able to move underground often times just as fast as they can move above ground. They are relatively friendly, simple folk who tend to mind their own business and stay out of larger world problems like politics and wars.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 30ft Burrowing
parent race: ]
race features:

Natural Digger

You are accustomed to burrowing deep into the earth below you. As an Aardvark you have a burrowing speed of 30ft. You are able to breathe freely and move normally while encased in dirt, sand, loose stone, rocks, and other earthly materials that are not harmful to you so long as you are not encased in solid matter larger than the size of your palm. (Ex. you cant breathe if you're being crushed by boulders). Being highly accomplished at excavation, you also know the Mold Earth cantrip.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


A tough and typically caring race of Mustelidae, Anteaters are larger than most of their race and somewhat more rough around the edges. Known to inhabit sparsely inhabited areas and small villages, they usually maintain a preference towards peaceful areas in more mountainous or forested environments.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: ]
race features:

Keen Smell

You have a strong sense of smell and a keen nose for scents, and have advantage on perception checks that rely on smell.

Prehensile Tongue

As a bonus action you may make an unarmed strike with your prehensile tongue. You are proficient with this attack and on a hit it deals 1d6 slashing damage plus your dexterity modifier. This attack has the reach property (a range of 10ft).


Armadillo Mustelidae are a tribal people who rely on scouts to report back on other races' activities versus venturing out of their villages on their own. They are naturally untrusting of outsiders.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Burrowing
parent race: ]
race features:


You have a burrow speed of 20 feet. You can see in dim light within 40 feet of yourself as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray. (Darkvision)

Defensive Tuck

You can withdraw into your shell (roll into a ball) as an action. Until you emerge, you gain a +4 bonus to AC and an advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. While in your shell you can only use the Dash Action.


Badger Mustelidae are known for being accomplished artisans of their crafts, despite a notoriously ornery disposition. While it is not an easy task to befriend a Badger, they make extremely loyal allies.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Burrowing
parent race: ]
race features:

Artisanal Affinity

Choose a type of Artisan's Tools to be proficient in.

Digging Claws

You have strong claws for digging, causing your unarmed strikes to deal 2d4 slashing damage. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes.


Otter Mustelidae are adapted to a primarily aquatic environment. They are excellent swimmers, able to even sleep safely while floating on their backs in water. They are also absolutely adorable and use their cuteness to their advantage without shame.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Adept Swimmer

You are a strong swimmer and have 20 feet swimming speed. You can hold your breath for up to 10 minutes.

Otterly Adorable

You are otter-ly adorable and you know it. You have +2 Charisma (to a maximum of 20)


Raccoon Mustelidae are as elusive as they are clever, using their natural sneakiness to get what they want and survive in general. They have a variety of natural abilities, the result of sneaking around the other races and using their trash as treasure.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:


Accustomed to twilit allyways and dark streets, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Sneaky Hunter

You are naturally proficient at Stealth and Sleight of Hand.


Skunk Mustelidae have beautiful coats and a strong musk that can be either pleasant or noxious depending on their mood. They are naturally shy but a select few have become quite famous for their beauty and pleasant musk (so long as they remain in a pleasant mood!)
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: ]
race features:

Strong Musk

You can somewhat control the scent of your musk to be either pleasant or noxious. You have advantage on Charisma ability checks when you are in control of your mood, but disadvantage on Charisma saving throws when you are not in control of your emotions.

Spray It, Don't Say It

You have a natural spray attack in a 15-foot cone directly behind you. On a successful hit, this attack does 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus in poison damage. Any creature hit by this attack must succeed on a Constitution save or become stunned for 1d4 rounds.


Sloths enjoy a slow, peaceful existence and generally keep to the background of society. If there were a Mammalian equivalent of a wallflower, Sloths would be it.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 20ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Slow Metabolism

Due to the slow and peaceful life Sloths lead, they do not need to eat or drink as often as other species. This does have its drawbacks however, as they also need to sleep longer each day. You can go 2 days without eating or drinking without suffering the effects of exhaustion. You must sleep at least 12 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest, and 3 hours to gain the benefit of a short rest.

Natural Camouflage

Because of the Sloths naturally slow lifestyle, they have learned to grow plants and mosses in their fur, functioning as a natural form of camouflage.
Choose a terrain. Common plants native to that terrain grow in your fur. While you are within your terrain of choice, you gain advantage to Stealth.
At level 5, you can choose to specialize in growing a second terrain.
At level 10, you learn to grow medicinal plants and can harvest them to create a healing potion equal to 2d6+4 every 1 day.


Weasel Mustelidae, as well as similar but less common subraces like Ferrets and Mink, are lanky, nimbly built standing at about 4 feet tall. They are often mistakenly labeled by those outside the Mustelidae community as untrustworthy due to their propensity to be extremely clever and dexterous, so it is not unheard of for young misguided members of the group to turn to petty crimes. However, as within any group, most are well-meaning, contributing members of society who don't want to be stereotyped by mistakes made when they were young and foolish.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: ]
race features:

Sharp Teeth

You can make an unarmed bite attack for 1d4 Piercing damage.

Nimble Fingers

You have proficiency with Thieves' Tools.
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You are innately nimble and flexible. You have +2 Dexterity (to a maximum of 20).  

DEI Experts

You are part of a broad and diverse race and as such have grown up to appreciate the importance of tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion. You are generally well-liked due to your genuine compassion and are often able to understand where others are coming from without needing to have deep knowledge of them. You have either +1 Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom. You have advantage on Insight checks.