
Burrower Rodentia are esteemed for their exceptional burrowing abilities and close-knit family structures. Standing at about 3 feet in height, these rodents possess clawed hands, large incisors, and may or may not sport tails. Their compact size and specialized adaptations make them adept at navigating subterranean environments with ease.
  Living in large family groups, Burrower Rodentia thrive in communal settings where they work together to construct intricate networks of tunnels and burrows beneath the earth. These burrows serve as both shelter and protection, providing sanctuary from predators and the elements.
  While they prefer the company of their kin, some Burrower Rodentia may choose more solitary living conditions, venturing out on their own to explore new territories or pursue personal endeavors. Despite this occasional independence, they remain deeply connected to their family roots, often returning to their burrow communities to share news and resources.

Ancestral Lineage:



Having lived a life of uncertainty, Mouse Burrower Rodentia have strongly honed survival skills.


Rat Burrower Rodentia come from a lineage plagued by historical scrutiny, (unfairly?) associated with past epidemics.


Adored for their charm and charisma, Chipmunk Burrower Rodentia boast a natural affinity for social interaction.


Spending hours running on their wheel, Hamster Burrower Rodentia have developed keen wisdom through introspection.


Despite their poor eyesight, Mole Burrower Rodentia possess exceptional senses of smell and hearing.
  With their mastery of subterranean living and diverse ancestral lineages, Burrower Rodentia play a vital role in the ecosystem, contributing to the intricate balance of life above and below ground. Whether forging new tunnels or navigating the labyrinthine depths of their burrow networks, these rodents embody the resilience and adaptability of their species.


Burrower Rodentia are characterized by it's members being effective burrowers. Burrowers are small in size, standing at about 3 feet in height. They have clawed hands, large incisors, and may or may not have tails. They tend to live in large family groups, but occasionally may elect more solitary living conditions.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Burrowing
parent race: [blocklink:


The Rodentia race consists of some of the smallest members of Chordata's populations. While the subraces each have somewhat diverse appearances and characteristics, they all share a small stature and innate nimbleness of movement. Most are natural burrowers and/or climbers and are more agile than most other races. In addition, the Rodentia have keen senses, deep intuition, and a connection with nature that few other races can boast.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:


You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ability Score Increase

Your nimble, slippery nature gives you a Dexterity score increase of 2 points (to a max of 20).

Nimble Escape

Your elusive nature makes you hard to pin down. As a result, opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage.
race features:

Tunnels of Love

As a Burrower you are a strong digger and have 10 burrowing speed.

Ancestral Lineage


- You have lived day by day with little security in life, and have had to pick up a survivalist skillsets along your way. Proficiency in Survival.


- Your family of rodents has faced great scrutiny in the past due to conspiracy surrounding the great plagues and how they spread. How offensive (even if they're right). Gain Poison Spray.


- You are adorable and you know it. +1 to Charisma.


- Running on a wheel all day gives you a lot of time to think. +1 Wisdom.


- Your excellent sense of smell and hearing make up for your poor eyesight when it comes to knowing your surroundings. You have blindsight up to 30 feet.