
Rodentians, inhabitants of the country Rodentia nestled at the southern tip of Mammalia, are characterized by their small stature, innate agility, and deep connection with nature. Despite their diminutive size, they possess remarkable nimbleness of movement and keen senses that set them apart from other races.
  With diverse appearances and characteristics among the subraces, the Rodentia share common traits such as their small stature, which allows them to navigate tight spaces with ease, and their natural agility, making them adept climbers and burrowers. Whether scampering through the undergrowth or scaling rocky terrain, the Rodentia move with grace and agility unmatched by most other races.
  One of the defining features of the Rodentia is their keen senses and deep intuition. Gifted with acute hearing, sharp eyesight, and a heightened sense of smell, they are attuned to the subtlest changes in their surroundings, allowing them to detect danger and opportunities alike. This keen perception also extends to their intuitive understanding of nature, enabling them to forge deep connections with the natural world and its inhabitants.
  As stewards of the land, the Rodentia hold a profound reverence for nature and its delicate balance. They often live in harmony with the environment, utilizing their burrowing and climbing skills to create intricate networks of tunnels and nests within the earth. Through their close connection with nature, they gain insights and wisdom that few other races can access, making them valuable guides and advisors in matters of the natural world.
  Despite their small size, the Rodentia possess a resilience and tenacity that belies their stature. When faced with adversity, they exhibit remarkable resourcefulness and adaptability, using their agility and intuition to overcome obstacles and thrive in challenging environments.
  In their interactions with other races, the Rodentia are known for their friendly and amiable nature. Quick to form alliances and build relationships, they offer their guidance and support to those in need, fostering bonds of friendship and cooperation that endure through the ages. With their innate nimbleness and intuitive wisdom, the Rodentia stand as steadfast guardians of the natural world, embodying the harmonious balance between nature and civilization.
Genetic Descendants


The Rodentia race consists of some of the smallest members of Chordata's populations. While the subraces each have somewhat diverse appearances and characteristics, they all share a small stature and innate nimbleness of movement. Most are natural burrowers and/or climbers and are more agile than most other races. In addition, the Rodentia have keen senses, deep intuition, and a connection with nature that few other races can boast.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:


Burrower Rodentia are characterized by it's members being effective burrowers. Burrowers are small in size, standing at about 3 feet in height. They have clawed hands, large incisors, and may or may not have tails. They tend to live in large family groups, but occasionally may elect more solitary living conditions.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Burrowing
parent race: ]
race features:

Tunnels of Love

As a Burrower you are a strong digger and have 10 burrowing speed.

Ancestral Lineage


- You have lived day by day with little security in life, and have had to pick up a survivalist skillsets along your way. Proficiency in Survival.


- Your family of rodents has faced great scrutiny in the past due to conspiracy surrounding the great plagues and how they spread. How offensive (even if they're right). Gain Poison Spray.


- You are adorable and you know it. +1 to Charisma.


- Running on a wheel all day gives you a lot of time to think. +1 Wisdom.


- Your excellent sense of smell and hearing make up for your poor eyesight when it comes to knowing your surroundings. You have blindsight up to 30 feet.


The Chiroptera, or Bats, while technically a subrace of Rodentia, are frequently isolated as their own distinct group. They are ostracized by both the Rodentia community and the Avian community and don't quite fit in with either, so they have evolved to be a nomadic people constantly on the move. They live similar to gypsies, traveling in family or communal groups and peddling wares, offering services (often of a mystical nature), and performing shows before moving on.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually chaotic or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Flying
parent race: ]
race features:

Fly by Night

You're able to fly but typically do so at night to avoid the stares and muttered criticisms of observers. Your flying speed is 20 ft.

Blind as a Bat

Your ability to echolocate makes up for your poor eyesight when it comes to knowing your surroundings. You have blindsight up to 30 feet.


Climber Rodentia consist of the upper class members of the Rodentia race. This subrace is particularly adept at climbing and typically prefers to reside in solitary or small family groups in forested areas or even treetops. They are skilled artisans and surprisingly ferocious warriors.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Fury of the Small

When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature’s size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal 1d4 extra damage to the creature. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.

Ancestral Lineage

Each subtype of Climbing Rodentia has 20ft Climbing Speed and its own unique appearance and traits:


Your mouth may be small, but that doesn't make it any less useful. You can 'nibble' to cut through or create holes in any material weaker than metal on a successful DC10 Strength Check.

Flying Squirrel:

You have the ability to fly (okay, glide) 10 feet horizontally or at an angle down from a perch, and don't take fall damage.


Quilled Attack - deal 1d4 piercing damage to a target as you rear your sharp quills into them. Gain an additional quill (d4) at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.


The largest of the Rodentia subraces, the Semiaquatic Beaver and Capybara each stand at 5 feet tall with a burly, stout body. They are both distinctly social species living in extended family groups or small communities. They are semiaquatic and the most accomplished swimmers of the race due to their webbed fingers.
The primary distinctions between the two types are tail and disposition. Capybara have no tail and a gregarious disposition. Beavers have a strong, flat tail and an ornery disposition.
ability score increase:
Size: Tiny
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Adept Swimmer

You are an adept swimmer who is at home in the water as much as on land. 20ft swimming speed.


You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes, a trait you use to escape danger. During combat if you are in or near a water source, you can use a bonus action to successfully HIDE in the water.

Ancestral Lineage


You are extremely well-liked and naturally gregarious. +1 Charisma


Tail Attack - You can attack enemies with your tail. If you hit an enemy with it you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 plus your strength modifier.
race features:


You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ability Score Increase

Your nimble, slippery nature gives you a Dexterity score increase of 2 points (to a max of 20).

Nimble Escape

Your elusive nature makes you hard to pin down. As a result, opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage.