
Climber Rodentia, often regarded as the elite of the Rodentia race, boast exceptional agility and prowess in traversing forested landscapes and treetops. This subrace has carved out a niche among the upper echelons of Rodentia society, preferring solitary or small family groups nestled amidst the verdant canopies of lush forests.
With nimble dexterity and keen instincts, Climber Rodentia excel in the art of climbing, effortlessly scaling towering trees and navigating intricate branches with grace and precision. Their arboreal habitats provide both sanctuary and sustenance, offering shelter from enemies and abundant resources for survival.
  Despite their affinity for solitude, Climber Rodentia are renowned artisans, crafting intricate works of art and utilitarian objects with unparalleled skill. Their creations, often inspired by the natural world around them, reflect a deep reverence for the beauty and harmony of their forested realm.
  In addition to their artistic talents, Climber Rodentia are formidable warriors when provoked, their ferocity matched only by their agility. Whether defending their territory from intruders or venturing forth on daring expeditions, they approach every challenge with unwavering determination and courage.
  Within the Climber Rodentia subrace, several distinct lineages exist, each with its own unique traits and abilities:


Possessing nimble jaws capable of cutting through various materials, Squirrels wield their small size to their advantage, navigating tight spaces with ease and resourcefulness.

Flying Squirrel:

Masters of gliding through the air, Flying Squirrels effortlessly soar from perch to perch, their graceful descents allowing them to traverse vast distances with minimal effort.


Armed with quills capable of delivering painful blows to adversaries, Porcupines strike fear into the hearts of would-be attackers, using their natural defenses to ward off threats and protect their territories.
  Unified by their shared affinity for climbing and forest life, Climber Rodentia stand as paragons of agility and ingenuity, their presence among the treetops a testament to their enduring resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.


Climber Rodentia consist of the upper class members of the Rodentia race. This subrace is particularly adept at climbing and typically prefers to reside in solitary or small family groups in forested areas or even treetops. They are skilled artisans and surprisingly ferocious warriors.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Climbing
parent race: [blocklink:


The Rodentia race consists of some of the smallest members of Chordata's populations. While the subraces each have somewhat diverse appearances and characteristics, they all share a small stature and innate nimbleness of movement. Most are natural burrowers and/or climbers and are more agile than most other races. In addition, the Rodentia have keen senses, deep intuition, and a connection with nature that few other races can boast.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:


You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ability Score Increase

Your nimble, slippery nature gives you a Dexterity score increase of 2 points (to a max of 20).

Nimble Escape

Your elusive nature makes you hard to pin down. As a result, opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage.
race features:

Fury of the Small

When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature’s size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal 1d4 extra damage to the creature. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.

Ancestral Lineage

Each subtype of Climbing Rodentia has 20ft Climbing Speed and its own unique appearance and traits:


Your mouth may be small, but that doesn't make it any less useful. You can 'nibble' to cut through or create holes in any material weaker than metal on a successful DC10 Strength Check.

Flying Squirrel:

You have the ability to fly (okay, glide) 10 feet horizontally or at an angle down from a perch, and don't take fall damage.


Quilled Attack - deal 1d4 piercing damage to a target as you rear your sharp quills into them. Gain an additional quill (d4) at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.