Chiroptera Species in Animalia Galaxy | World Anvil


The Chiroptera, often referred to as Bats, stand as a unique subrace within the Rodentia community, distinguished by their solitary and nomadic lifestyle. Ostracized by both Rodentia and Avian communities, Bats find themselves drifting on the fringes of society, never quite fitting in with either group. As a result, they have adapted to a life of constant movement, embracing a nomadic existence that mirrors that of gypsies.
  Living in family or communal groups, Chiroptera traverse the land in search of new horizons, never settling in one place for too long. Their nomadic lifestyle sees them peddling wares, offering mystical services, and captivating audiences with mesmerizing performances, befitting their enigmatic nature.
  Despite their societal isolation, Bats possess a rich cultural heritage, steeped in mysticism and folklore. They are often revered as mystics or seers, drawing upon ancient knowledge and intuition to guide their travels. Their affinity for the mystical arts lends an aura of intrigue to their nomadic lifestyle, attracting curious onlookers wherever they roam.
  While some may view the Chiroptera with suspicion or mistrust, others are drawn to their mystique, finding solace in their transient presence. Whether weaving tales under the moonlit sky or sharing insights gleaned from their travels, Bats embody the spirit of wanderlust, forever seeking new adventures beyond the horizon.
  As they continue their perpetual journey, the Chiroptera remain steadfast in their commitment to freedom and exploration, embracing the untamed wilderness as their true home. With each beat of their wings, they soar into the unknown, leaving behind a trail of mystery and wonder in their wake.


The Chiroptera, or Bats, while technically a subrace of Rodentia, are frequently isolated as their own distinct group. They are ostracized by both the Rodentia community and the Avian community and don't quite fit in with either, so they have evolved to be a nomadic people constantly on the move. They live similar to gypsies, traveling in family or communal groups and peddling wares, offering services (often of a mystical nature), and performing shows before moving on.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually chaotic or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Flying
parent race: [blocklink:


The Rodentia race consists of some of the smallest members of Chordata's populations. While the subraces each have somewhat diverse appearances and characteristics, they all share a small stature and innate nimbleness of movement. Most are natural burrowers and/or climbers and are more agile than most other races. In addition, the Rodentia have keen senses, deep intuition, and a connection with nature that few other races can boast.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:


You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ability Score Increase

Your nimble, slippery nature gives you a Dexterity score increase of 2 points (to a max of 20).

Nimble Escape

Your elusive nature makes you hard to pin down. As a result, opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage.
race features:

Fly by Night

You're able to fly but typically do so at night to avoid the stares and muttered criticisms of observers. Your flying speed is 20 ft.

Blind as a Bat

Your ability to echolocate makes up for your poor eyesight when it comes to knowing your surroundings. You have blindsight up to 30 feet.