
Coyote Canidae are a distinctive subrace within the Canidae race, known for their nomadic lifestyle, opportunistic nature, and penchant for chaotic alignments. Living in small wandering groups, Coyotes exhibit unique behavioral traits that set them apart from other Canidae subtypes, often making them both unpredictable and cunning in their actions.

Nomadic Lifestyle

  Coyote Canidae are known for their nomadic tendencies, preferring to roam and explore their surroundings rather than settle in one location. They form small wandering groups that traverse diverse landscapes, adapting to their environments as they go. This nomadic lifestyle fosters a sense of adaptability and resourcefulness among Coyotes, enabling them to thrive in a variety of terrains and situations.

Political Alliances

  While Coyotes tend to side with the Wolf Canidae in matters concerning Canidae politics, their allegiance remains somewhat opportunistic in nature. Unlike their more disciplined counterparts, Coyotes exhibit a tendency to prioritize personal gain and exploration over strict adherence to societal norms or hierarchies. This opportunistic mindset often leads them to make decisions based on immediate circumstances rather than long-term considerations.

Chaotic Alignments

  Coyote Canidae are characterized by their propensity towards chaotic alignments, embodying a sense of unpredictability and spontaneity in their actions. Stereotypically assumed to do things "just to see what will happen," Coyotes often operate on whims and impulses rather than deliberate motives. This behavior can make them appear untrustworthy to other species, who may be wary of their unpredictable nature.

Innate Cunning

  Despite their reputation for unpredictability, Coyote Canidae possess innate cunning and intelligence that enables them to navigate complex situations and come out on top. Their resourcefulness and adaptability serve them well in a variety of scenarios, allowing them to overcome challenges and exploit opportunities to their advantage.

Interactions with Other Races

  Coyote Canidae often face reluctance and mistrust from other species due to their unpredictable nature and opportunistic tendencies. However, their innate cunning and intelligence enable them to find ways to navigate these challenges and emerge successful in most situations. Despite their reputation, Coyotes play a significant role in Canidae society, contributing their unique perspectives and skills to the broader community.


Coyote canidae are somewhat nomadic and tend to live in small wandering groups. Most Coyote canidae side with the Wolf canidae in matters concerning Canidae politics but remain opportunistic in their ideals. They have a tendency toward Chaotic alignments and stereotypically are assumed to do most things "just to see what will happen" as opposed to for any specific motive. This results in most other species being reluctant to trust a Coyote on principle, but their innate cunning still enables them to find a way to come out on top in most situations.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually Chaotic
Size: Medium
parent race: [blocklink:


The members of the Canidae race run the spectrum from disciplined Dog Canidae who mostly live in large cities and are known for their friendly dispositions, to the more savage Wolf canidae that are as feared as they are respected. Due to the strong hierarchies of their societies and innate respect for their superiors, Canidae are almost always Lawful, with the notable exception of Coyotes and Hyenas who are almost exclusively chaotic. Canidae stand 5 to 7 feet tall at adulthood. Wolf, Dog and Hyena Canidae are generally larger than their Coyote and Fox cousins.
ability score increase:
alignment: usually lawful, except Coyote & Hyena Canidae
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:

Keen Hearing and Smell

Canidae have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound or smell.


You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
race features:

Natural Survivalist

You gain a +2 bonus on all Nature and Survival checks.

Natural Opportunists

You can choose to gain Advantage on melee attacks against one enemy until the end of your next turn if that enemy has been dealt damage since your last turn. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest.


You have a Bite Attack that you are proficient with; 1d4 Piercing damage. You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength when determining attack and damage with this attack.