
Fox Canidae represent a distinct and enigmatic subrace within the Canidae race, known for their intelligence, social intuition, and masterful manipulation. Despite being stereotyped as untrustworthy by other races, Fox Canidae possess complex personalities and motivations that defy easy categorization.

Enigmatic Nature

  Fox Canidae are characterized by their enigmatic and aloof demeanor, often keeping their true intentions hidden beneath a veil of secrecy and cunning. Their elusive nature makes them difficult to predict and understand, leading to misconceptions and mistrust from other races.

Intelligence and Social Intuition

  Renowned for their intelligence and social intuition, Fox Canidae possess a keen understanding of social dynamics and interpersonal relationships. They are adept at reading the emotions and intentions of others, allowing them to navigate complex social situations with finesse and subtlety.

Masterful Manipulation

  Fox Canidae are master manipulators, capable of using their intelligence and social skills to manipulate others for their own benefit. While this behavior may be perceived as untrustworthy by some, it is driven by a survival instinct honed through generations of adaptation and evolution.

Interactions with Other Races

Due to their reputation for manipulation and deceit, Fox Canidae are often viewed with suspicion and caution by other races. However, their intelligence and cunning also make them valuable allies and advisors in matters of diplomacy, espionage, and strategy.


Fox Canidae are enigmatic and aloof. They are stereotyped as being untrustworthy by other races, but this is not necessarily fairly earned. More accurately, Fox Canidae are highly intelligent and have strong social intuition, meaning they can be master manipulators when it benefits them.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming, 10ft Burrowing
parent race: [blocklink:


The members of the Canidae race run the spectrum from disciplined Dog Canidae who mostly live in large cities and are known for their friendly dispositions, to the more savage Wolf canidae that are as feared as they are respected. Due to the strong hierarchies of their societies and innate respect for their superiors, Canidae are almost always Lawful, with the notable exception of Coyotes and Hyenas who are almost exclusively chaotic. Canidae stand 5 to 7 feet tall at adulthood. Wolf, Dog and Hyena Canidae are generally larger than their Coyote and Fox cousins.
ability score increase:
alignment: usually lawful, except Coyote & Hyena Canidae
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:

Keen Hearing and Smell

Canidae have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound or smell.


You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
race features:

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence score increases by 2 (up to a max of 20).  

Sly as a...

You gain a +2 bonus on all Persuasion and Deception checks.  

Bite Attack

You have a Bite Attack that you are proficient with; 1d4 Pierce. You may use your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength when determining attack and damage with this attack.