
Wolf Canidae stand as the natural leaders and formidable members within the Canidae race. Renowned for their strength, size, and strict adherence to hierarchy, they command respect within their communities. With a focus on athleticism, survival skills, and leadership, Wolf Canidae embody the quintessential traits of effective leaders and protectors.

Physical Attributes

  Wolf Canidae are the largest and strongest members of the Canidae race, typically standing at around 7 feet tall with nimble yet muscular builds. Their physical prowess is matched only by their mental acuity, making them formidable adversaries and respected leaders within Canidae society.

Strict Hierarchy and Loyalty

  Wolf Canidae uphold a strict hierarchy within their packs, respecting authority and swiftly outcasting any who violate the chain of command. Despite their imposing demeanor, they possess a strong sense of family and pack loyalty, forging unbreakable bonds with their companions and demonstrating unwavering loyalty in times of need.

Proficiency in Leadership and Athletics

  Naturally gifted in anything related to athleticism, survival, or leadership, Wolf Canidae excel in roles that require physical prowess, mental fortitude, and strategic thinking. Their proficiency in leadership enables them to command respect and inspire loyalty among their peers, while their athleticism and survival skills make them formidable hunters and protectors of their communities.

Stereotypes and Misconceptions

  Wolf Canidae are often stereotyped as having quick tempers and aggressive tendencies, but this is not always the case. Many Wolf Canidae have demonstrated immense self-control and composure, proving themselves to be effective leaders who prioritize the well-being and safety of their pack above all else.

Interactions with Other Races

  Despite their intimidating presence, Wolf Canidae are respected and valued members of Canidae society, revered for their leadership abilities, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to their companions. They play a crucial role in maintaining order and security within their communities, earning admiration and trust from allies and adversaries alike.


Wolf Canidae are the natural leaders of the Canidae groups. The strongest and largest of the Canidae, they stand at ~7 feet tall and generally have nimble but muscular builds. They respect a strict hierarchy and will immediately outcast anyone who violates the chain of command. They have a natural proficiency at anything athletic, survival, or leadership related. They have strong family and pack (community) bonds, and are immensely loyal to their companions. Wolf Canidae are stereotyped to have quick tempers and aggressive tendencies, but this is not always true as plenty of Wolf Canidae have proven themselves effective leaders, requiring immense self-control.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


The members of the Canidae race run the spectrum from disciplined Dog Canidae who mostly live in large cities and are known for their friendly dispositions, to the more savage Wolf canidae that are as feared as they are respected. Due to the strong hierarchies of their societies and innate respect for their superiors, Canidae are almost always Lawful, with the notable exception of Coyotes and Hyenas who are almost exclusively chaotic. Canidae stand 5 to 7 feet tall at adulthood. Wolf, Dog and Hyena Canidae are generally larger than their Coyote and Fox cousins.
ability score increase:
alignment: usually lawful, except Coyote & Hyena Canidae
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:

Keen Hearing and Smell

Canidae have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound or smell.


You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
race features:

Winter Survivors

Your ancestral habitat has resulted in a natural protection from cold weather. You have resistance to Cold Damage.

Pack Tactics

The Wolf has advantage on an Attack roll against a creature if at least one of the Wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't Incapacitated.

Frightful Howl

As a bonus action, once per short rest, a Wolf Canidae can emit a howl in a 60-foot-radius spread. Enemy or neutral creatures in this radius must make a successful WIS save (DC 15) or become frightened. While frightened by this trait, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the affect ends for that creature. Success indicates that the target is immune to Frightful Howl for until the next day.