Animalia Galaxy

The Animalia Galaxy is a captivating galaxy, distinguished by a central Sun that serves as its cosmic heart. Six planets orbit the central star: Chordata, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Annelida, Cnidaria, and Porifera. Cnidaria has two moons, Zephyr and Aurora. Chordata has one moon, Lumina. Arthropoda has one moon, Inferna. Mollusca has one moon, Nocturna. Annelida and Porifera have no moon.

The Before

Formation of the Galaxy

  • 4.6 Billion Years B4
    Formation of the Sun
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Approximately 4.6 billion years before the present time, a massive cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravity, giving birth to a new star which would become the central Sun of the Animalia galaxy.

    Animalia Galaxy
  • 4.5 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Porifera
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Around 4.5 billion years before present time, the first planet in the system, Porifera, formed near the sun. It's atmosphere developed in conjunction with the suns rays to cover the planet completely in ocean.

  • 4.4 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Mollusca
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Roughly 4.4 billion years before present time, Mollusca emerged as the second planet. It interacted similar with the sun to result in being entirely covered in water.

  • 4.3 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Chordata
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Approximately 4.3 billion years before present time, Chordata took shape as the third planet. It developed similarly to its fellow planets becoming primarily covered in water, with three notable land masses rising above sea level.

  • 4.2 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Arthropoda
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Around 4.2 billion years before the present time, Arthropoda formed as the fourth planet. It became a majority covered in water with one large land mass above sea level.

  • 4.1 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Annelida
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Roughly 4.1 billion years ago, Annelida emerged as the fifth planet. It's orbit is unique due to it's mishapen form and it oscillates closer and further from the sun. This resulted in the formation of expansive rainclouds in its atmosphere.

  • 4 Billion Years B4
    Birth of Cnidaria
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Approximately 4 billion years ago, Cnidaria formed as the sixth planet.

  • 3.5 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Porifera
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Approximately 3.5 billion years before the present, life begins to form on the planet of Porifera as single celled organisms.

  • 3.3 Billion Years B4
    Meteor Strikes Mollusca
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A massive meteor strikes the planet of Mollusca, causing the eruption of a single large land mass to rise above sea level.

  • 3.2 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Chordata
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life begins to form on Chordata in the form of single celled organisms.

  • 3 Billion Years B4
    Meteor Strikes Arthropoda
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A massive meteor strikes the planet of Arthropoda, causing the single continent to break into 3 separate continents and begin to drift apart.

  • 2.9 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Mollusca
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life begins to form on Mollusca in the form of single-celled organisms.

  • 2.7 Billion Years B4
    Cnidaria Gains a Moon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A passing Asteroid is pulled into Cnidaria's orbit, becoming it's moon.

  • 2.5 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Arthropoda
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life begins to form on Arthropoda as single-celled organisms.

  • 2.3 Billion Years B4
    Evolution Begins on Chordata
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The single-celled organisms on Chordata begin to evolve into more complex organisms.

  • 2.1 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Annelida
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life begins to form on Annelida in the form of single-celled organisms.

  • 1.8 Billion Years B4
    Evolution Begins on Arthropoda
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Single-celled organisms begin to evolve into more complex organisms.

  • 2 Billion Years B4
    Life Forms on Cnidaria
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life begins to form on Cnidaria as single-celled organisms.

  • 1.5 Billion Years B4
    Darwin Discovers Chordata
    Discovery, Exploration

    Darwin, the origin of whom is unknown, discovers the evolving lifeforms on Chordata and begins observing.

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  • 1.3 Billion Years B4
    Darwin Summons the All-Five
    Religious event

    Darwin summons the All-Five deities and introduces them to the evolving lifeforms on Chordata. The All-Five join him in observing the ongoing evolutions, with each taking a particular interest in a different unique group of organisms.

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  • 1 Billion Years B4
    The All-Five Begin Molding Species
    Religious event

    The All-Five begin to directly interact with the evolutions of their chosen groups of organisms, molding them into variations of their own image.

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Primitive Era

  • The Awakening
    Intelligent Life Forms on Chordata
    Religious event

    Darwin & the All-Five guide life on Chordata to the first point of achieving intelligence. The various species on Chordata begin taking an active role in their own evolution. The first season of the year is named the Awakening in celebration of the planet's species awakening to their own sentience.

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  • 50 PR

    450 PR

    First Birth of New Deities
    Religious event

    Having taken a backseat to the evolution of their species, the All-Five mate with Darwin and birth the first generation of new deities into the world.

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  • 175 PR

    The Season of Growing
    Religious event

    After Alella's birth marked the season of Seeding, everyone began planting their crops during the same time to take advantage of the increased fertility magic of the season. This led to the vast majority of planted crops growing during the same time period, which was an unforeseen risk for if there were bouts of drought, then there were not other cycles of crops to make up for the loss in food. Farmers began praying to Oasca during this time for rain to grow their crops. She graciously answered, creating a new reliably rainy season, dubbed the season of Growing in her honor.

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  • 2350 PR

    2850 PR

    Fourth Generation of Deities is Born

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  • 5160 PR

    Reptilia is Founded

    Zazel appears to a mixed gathering of prominent Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises who are celebrating an interspecies wedding between two members of wealthy families. He declares them all his children and members of the Reptilian race before blessing the marriage. It is determined at this gathering to found a country made up of Slowstead Island and the continent that the Lizards and Snakes had heretofore occupied in fairly tribal manner. They name the country Reptilia and declare the blessed couple their King and Queen.

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  • 5283 PR

    Founding of Amphibia
    Religious event

    Samue appears to the various tribal leaders among his creations and tells them that they are his children and members of the Amphibian race. He bids the tribal leaders develop a council to maintain relations across the tribes and subraces of their country, which they name Amphibia.

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  • 5318 PR

    Founding of Aves

    Eevet appears at a large concert with attendees from all across the continent and of all different subraces. She greets them all as her fledglings and calls them Avians. She declares the headliners of the concert Avian royalty for having the power and influence to bring so many different members of the Avian races together. The new royal family names the country Aves.

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  • 5428 PR

    Mammalia is Founded

    Altissus appears to a large grouping of poor Mammalians who are celebrating community and a shared harvest, divvying up extra crops amongst the various families in attendance, some of whom have traveled days to attend the charitable event. To reward their generosity, Altissus blesses the crops and they magically multiply until their is more than plenty for everyone to get through the upcoming winter. She bestows upon them the shared name of Mammalians and declares that despite their many differences, they are best suited to work together and treat each other as kin. As another symbol of her blessing, being the goddess of motherhood, she blesses a female in attendance representing each region/subrace and promises they will soon be with child. The mammalians declare these blessed children as the sons and daughters of Altissus and the rightful heirs to rule over their respective regions. As such, their families become the first noble families in the country they've now dubbed Mammalia.

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  • 5830 PR

    Bonefish Race is Founded

    Oasca enlists the help of Kass to send a message to all creatures of the Aquatic regions as they sleep. She declares them Bonefish and her children whom she is sworn to protect. However, she also imparts a demand for acceptance of aquatic members of the other races, as she considers herself all-mother to her own creations as well as any who possess an inherit love for the sea.

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