
Reptilians are a scaled, cunning race of various species inhabiting the diverse and sprawling Region of Reptilia. Known for their cunning nature and scaly exteriors, Reptilians have established distinct cultures within three prominent countries: Slowstead, Slitherton, and Snapdragon.

Physical Characteristics

  Reptilians are characterized by their scaly exteriors that serve as natural armor, providing protection against environmental hazards and potential threats. Their agile and nimble bodies enable them to navigate various terrains with ease, whether scaling sheer cliffs or swimming through murky waters.

Cultural Diversity

Within the Region of Reptilia, Reptilians have formed distinct societies and cultures within the three prominent countries:


An island nation known for being the site of the Temple of Darwin. The island is primarily inhabited by Darwin Monks serving the temple and their families, although a small infrastructure primarily focused on religious service and tourism from pilgrimages to the Temple also exists.  


A lush rainforest teeming with life, Slitherton is inhabited by Reptilians who have adapted to the dense foliage and humid climate. Known for their resourcefulness and survival instincts, Slitherton's inhabitants thrive in the cities and towns amidst the verdant landscape.


A harsh desert and mountainous region, Snapdragon is home to resilient Reptilians who have mastered the art of survival in harsh environments. Despite the unforgiving terrain, Snapdragon's inhabitants are renowned for their tenacity and cunning, having established flourishing cities and towns along well-maintained trade routes.

Temperament and Behavior

  While Reptilians defy easy stereotyping, a recurring temperament among them is often characterized by cunning and a penchant for hidden motives. Each subrace exhibits this trait in different manners, with individuals displaying varying degrees of cunningness and strategic thinking. Despite their cunning nature, Reptilians are capable of forming deep bonds of loyalty and camaraderie with those they trust, demonstrating a complex and multifaceted approach to social interactions.

Interactions with Other Races

  Reptilians interact with other races within the Region of Reptilia and beyond, leveraging their unique traits and abilities to navigate diplomatic negotiations and conflicts. Their scaly exteriors and natural agility make them formidable adversaries in battle, while their cunning nature enables them to outmaneuver opponents both on and off the battlefield.
Genetic Descendants


Reptilians are not easily stereotyped, though a recurring temperament is often, in some way or another, cunning. While each species shows this side in different manners, it isn’t often that you’ll find one without a hidden motive. They are most known for their scaly exteriors that act as natural armor.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:


Lizard Reptilians look much like humanoid lizards. They can have frilled necks, long tails that can fall off, long dexterous tongues, small talons, sharp teeth, etc. Their scales may take on a number of colors, including those that camouflage. They possess a natural damage resistance dependent on their ancestral lineage as well.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Ancestral Lineage

Desert Lizards - Fire Resistance, Advantage on CON saving throws
Aquatic Lizards - Cold Resistance, +10 Swimming Speed
Tropical Lizards - Poison Resistance, +10 Climbing Speed

Tail Drop

Your tail is detachable... but it doesn't reattach. As a bonus action, you can shed it to get out of a grapple. It grows back after a long rest.

Fanged Bite

Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.


Snake Reptilians are somewhat humanoid in shape, but have a wide variety of noticeable serpentine features, including a snakelike tail in place of legs, a covering of scales, snakelike pupils, and other features depending on ancestry. They often range widely in coloring and scale patterns, but are usually similar in size. Most will 'stand' at a height around 5-6 feet, however their long tails trailing behind them allow them to raise themselves up by a few feet to intimidate foes, or simply get a better view of the surrounding area. They have thin, nimble arms and fingers that are lacking claws.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Ancestral Lineage

Desert Snakes: Fire Resistance, Advantage on CON saving throws
Tropical Snakes: Poison Resistance, +10 Climbing Speed
Water Snakes: Cold Resistance, +10 Swimming Speed


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Fanged Bite

Your fanged jaws pack a powerful attack that causes 1d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage and has a chance to poison (DC 10: Constitution Save, increases to DC 15 at level 7).


Turtles & Tortoises are uncommon outside of their native home on Slowstead Island. The majority of their species has devoted themselves to deity worship as Monks, Clerics, priests/priestesses, or in the service of their community. They are occasionally encountered out in the world on pilgrimages.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking
parent race: ]
race features:

Species Specialties

Turtles and Tortoises receive different damage resistances and bonuses:
Turtles have 20 ft swimming speed and resistance to cold damage.
Tortoises have +2 increased AC due to their sturdier shells and resistance to heat damage.

Shell Armor

Your tough shell provides a natural resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.

Slow & Steady

Slow and steady may win races in fables, but in reality you are significantly slower than other Reptilians (this applies to movement, speech, and aging). Your walking speed is 10feet.You have +1 Wisdom due to your long lifespan but disadvantage on Charisma checks due to your slow way of speaking.
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You're agile and charismatic. You gain a +1 to Dexterity and a +1 to your Charisma (to a max of 20).

Natural Armor

You have scales that protect you as a form of natural armor. Your AC is increased by 2.

Natural Deceivers

Ever the sly-talkers, Reptilians are incredibly adept at convincing people when they have an ulterior motive. You have advantage on Deception.