
Ray Bonefish stand as a unique faction within the Bonefish population, historically serving as wandering shepherds of the sea, guiding great shoals of smaller Bonefish much like terrestrial shepherds might guide their flock. With their nomadic lifestyle and symbiotic relationship with their flock, Rays have played a significant role in shaping the aquatic ecosystems of Chordata.

Historical Role as Shepherds

  Rays have a long history of guiding shoals of fish, both freshwater and saltwater, across the vast expanses of the ocean. This traditional practice formed the basis of their symbiotic relationship with their flock, with Rays providing protection and leadership, while the fish provided labor and services in return that sustained the Rays. This relationship was historically perceived as mutually beneficial, with both parties depending on each other for survival and prosperity.

Modern Challenges and Criticisms

  In modern times, the traditional model of the relationship between Rays and their flock has come under scrutiny and criticism. Some view it as akin to enslavement or cult-like behavior, as it no longer aligns with the values and norms of a more modern civilization and culture. Despite these criticisms, Rays have struggled to move away from this traditional model, instead adapting it to fit contemporary circumstances. In the Elasmo Ocean, accusations of slave trading have arisen, stemming from a mafia-like structure where power is consolidated through coercion and exploitation. In contrast, the Bone Ocean has seen the emergence of a monarchy-like system, where Rays are perceived as nobility by some and as cultists by others who disapprove of the hierarchical structure.

Interactions with Other Races

  The Rays engage in diplomatic relations and cultural exchanges with other races within Chordata, though their traditional practices have sometimes strained relations with other factions. Accusations of slave trading and cult-like behavior have led to tensions and criticisms from those who advocate for more equitable and modernized social structures. For this reason, many Rays have turned to employing Sharks to handle their intercultural affairs, including communications, exchanging of goods, and protection.


Rays are historically the wandering shepherds of the sea, guiding great shoals of fish much like an Earth shepherd would guide sheep. The species in each shoal vary from tribe to tribe, sometimes freshwater, sometimes saltwater.
The Rays and their flock share a symbiotic relationship, the Rays providing protection and leadership, and the flock providing labor and services for the Rays.
This relationship, while historically mutually beneficial, has been criticized in modern times as being akin to enslavement or a cult.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually evil or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


The diverse species of Bonefish make up the majority of the Aquatic regions' populations on Chordata. The primary species of Bonefish are categorized as Sharks, Rays, Saltwater Fish and Freshwater Fish. All species primarily reside in the waters, but due to certain magical advancements are able to travel and survive on land using a range of potions, magical equipment, and artifacts to various degrees of effectiveness.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:

Skilled Swimmers

Due to water being your native habitat, you have advantage on rolls against non-water natives while underwater.


Whether underwater or on land using a magical modifier, you are a water creature at heart. You are resistant to cold damage, but weak to lightning damage.
race features:

Barbed Tail

Your barbed tail is a natural melee weapon with a 10-foot reach, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, plus target must make a DC 10 Constitution save or take an additional 1d4 lightning damage.