
Snake Reptilians stand as a distinctive faction within the diverse Reptilian race. With their striking physical attributes and specialized adaptations, Snake Reptilians play a significant role in the intricate ecosystem of the Region of Reptilia.

Physical Characteristics

  Snake Reptilians possess a humanoid shape with notable serpentine traits, including a snakelike tail in place of legs, a covering of scales, and snakelike pupils. Their scales exhibit a wide range of colors and patterns, reflecting their diverse ancestry and environments. Despite variations in appearance, Snake Reptilians typically "stand" at a height of 5-6 feet, with their long tails trailing behind them. They can raise themselves up several feet using their tails, enabling them to intimidate foes or gain a better vantage point of their surroundings.

Specialized Adaptations

  Each lineage of Snake Reptilians possesses unique natural resistances and abilities based on their ancestral lineage and habitat:

Desert Snakes:

Inhabiting the arid expanses of Snapdragon, Desert Snakes exhibit Heat Resistance, allowing them to endure the scorching temperatures of their desert homeland. Their strong survival skills enable them to thrive in harsh desert conditions, utilizing their cunning and adaptability to secure resources and navigate the unforgiving terrain.

Aquatic Snakes:

Found in the aquatic realms in and around Reptilia, Aquatic Snakes possess Cold Resistance, enabling them to withstand frigid temperatures and navigate even icy waters with ease. Renowned for their adept swimming abilities, they traverse underwater environments with grace and agility.

Tropical Snakes:

Thriving amidst the lush rainforests of Slitherton, Tropical Snakes exhibit Poison Resistance, rendering them immune to the toxic flora prevalent in their tropical habitat. Their strong climbing skills allow them to navigate the dense foliage with ease.

Temperament and Behavior

  Snake Reptilians display a wide range of temperaments and personalities, though a recurring trait among them is their adaptability and cunning nature. Possessing keen intellect and resourcefulness, they excel at navigating social dynamics and often harbor hidden motives behind their actions. They are also typically incredibly charming, able to use their wit and social skills to win over even the most suspicious of adversaries.

Interactions with Other Races

  Snake Reptilians engage in diplomatic relations and strategic alliances with other races within the Region of Reptilia and across Chordata, leveraging their unique abilities and cunning nature to secure their interests. While they may be perceived as enigmatic and calculating, they are valued for their charismatic social skills and strategic acumen in navigating the complex political and social issues.


Snake Reptilians are somewhat humanoid in shape, but have a wide variety of noticeable serpentine features, including a snakelike tail in place of legs, a covering of scales, snakelike pupils, and other features depending on ancestry. They often range widely in coloring and scale patterns, but are usually similar in size. Most will 'stand' at a height around 5-6 feet, however their long tails trailing behind them allow them to raise themselves up by a few feet to intimidate foes, or simply get a better view of the surrounding area. They have thin, nimble arms and fingers that are lacking claws.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
parent race: [blocklink:


Reptilians are not easily stereotyped, though a recurring temperament is often, in some way or another, cunning. While each species shows this side in different manners, it isn’t often that you’ll find one without a hidden motive. They are most known for their scaly exteriors that act as natural armor.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You're agile and charismatic. You gain a +1 to Dexterity and a +1 to your Charisma (to a max of 20).

Natural Armor

You have scales that protect you as a form of natural armor. Your AC is increased by 2.

Natural Deceivers

Ever the sly-talkers, Reptilians are incredibly adept at convincing people when they have an ulterior motive. You have advantage on Deception.
race features:

Ancestral Lineage

Desert Snakes: Fire Resistance, Advantage on CON saving throws
Tropical Snakes: Poison Resistance, +10 Climbing Speed
Water Snakes: Cold Resistance, +10 Swimming Speed


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Fanged Bite

Your fanged jaws pack a powerful attack that causes 1d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage and has a chance to poison (DC 10: Constitution Save, increases to DC 15 at level 7).