
Lizard Reptilians stand out as one of the prominent factions within the diverse Reptilian race. With their distinctive features and specialized adaptations, Lizard Reptilians play a crucial role in the intricate tapestry of the Region of Reptilia.

Physical Characteristics

  Lizard Reptilians exhibit a humanoid form with Reptilian features. Their appearance may include frilled necks, long tails capable of detachment, dexterous tongues, small talons, and sharp teeth. The scales covering their bodies come in a myriad of colors, including those that allow for effective camouflage in their respective habitats.

Specialized Adaptations

  One of the defining characteristics of Lizard Reptilians is their specialized natural damage resistance, which varies depending on their ancestral lineage and the environments they inhabit:

Desert Lizards:

Native to the arid landscapes of Snapdragon, Desert Lizards possess inherent Heat Resistance, allowing them to withstand the scorching temperatures of their desert homeland. Additionally, they have honed strong survival skills, enabling them to thrive in harsh desert conditions and navigate the unforgiving terrain with ease.

Aquatic Lizards:

Inhabiting the watery realms in and around Reptilia, Aquatic Lizards have a natural Cold Resistance, granting them the ability to endure frigid temperatures and navigate even icy waters with agility. Renowned for their adept swimming abilities, they are well-suited to the aquatic environments they call home.

Tropical Lizards:

Thriving amidst the lush rainforests of Slitherton, Tropical Lizards possess natural Poison Resistance, providing them with immunity to the toxic flora prevalent in their tropical habitat. Equipped with strong climbing skills, they navigate the dense foliage with ease.

Temperament and Behavior

  While Lizard Reptilians display a range of temperaments and personalities, a recurring trait among them is their cunning nature. Exhibiting intelligence and resourcefulness, they are adept at navigating social dynamics and often harbor hidden motives behind their actions. Despite this penchant for subterfuge, Lizard Reptilians are loyal to their kin and fiercely protective of their territories.

Interactions with Other Races

  Lizard Reptilians interact with other races within the Region of Reptilia and across Chordata, leveraging their unique abilities and cunning nature to pursue diplomatic relations and strategic alliances. While their reputation for cunning may precede them, they are valued for their resilience, adaptability, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.


Lizard Reptilians look much like humanoid lizards. They can have frilled necks, long tails that can fall off, long dexterous tongues, small talons, sharp teeth, etc. Their scales may take on a number of colors, including those that camouflage. They possess a natural damage resistance dependent on their ancestral lineage as well.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
parent race: [blocklink:


Reptilians are not easily stereotyped, though a recurring temperament is often, in some way or another, cunning. While each species shows this side in different manners, it isn’t often that you’ll find one without a hidden motive. They are most known for their scaly exteriors that act as natural armor.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You're agile and charismatic. You gain a +1 to Dexterity and a +1 to your Charisma (to a max of 20).

Natural Armor

You have scales that protect you as a form of natural armor. Your AC is increased by 2.

Natural Deceivers

Ever the sly-talkers, Reptilians are incredibly adept at convincing people when they have an ulterior motive. You have advantage on Deception.
race features:

Ancestral Lineage

Desert Lizards - Fire Resistance, Advantage on CON saving throws
Aquatic Lizards - Cold Resistance, +10 Swimming Speed
Tropical Lizards - Poison Resistance, +10 Climbing Speed

Tail Drop

Your tail is detachable... but it doesn't reattach. As a bonus action, you can shed it to get out of a grapple. It grows back after a long rest.

Fanged Bite

Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.