
Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians stand as a unique and revered faction within the diverse Reptilian race, hailing predominantly from their native home on Slowstead Island. Known for their devout devotion to deity worship and commitment to service, Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians play a vital role in the spiritual and communal fabric of both the Region of Reptilia and Chordata as a whole.

Native Home and Cultural Significance

  Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians are predominantly found on Slowstead Island, where they have established thriving communities deeply rooted in their religious beliefs and communal values. Devoted to deity worship, the majority of their species serve as Monks, Clerics, priests/priestesses, or in various capacities within their communities. Their commitment to service and spirituality has earned them widespread respect and admiration.

Darwin Monks

  The Turtle & Tortoise Subrace is renowned as the original Darwin Monks, practitioners of a spiritual tradition centered around the teachings of their deity and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Pilgrimages and Spiritual Journeys

  Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians are occasionally encountered beyond Slowstead Island, embarking on pilgrimages and spiritual journeys to distant lands in pursuit of enlightenment and divine insight. These pilgrimages serve as opportunities for personal growth and cultural exchange, as Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians share their wisdom and teachings with other races, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

Interactions with Other Races

  While primarily focused on their spiritual pursuits and community service, Turtle & Tortoise Reptilians engage in diplomatic relations and cultural exchanges with other races within the Region of Reptilia. Their wisdom, compassion, and commitment to harmony make them valued allies and mediators in times of conflict or strife, fostering peace and understanding among diverse factions.


Turtles & Tortoises are uncommon outside of their native home on Slowstead Island. The majority of their species has devoted themselves to deity worship as Monks, Clerics, priests/priestesses, or in the service of their community. They are occasionally encountered out in the world on pilgrimages.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


Reptilians are not easily stereotyped, though a recurring temperament is often, in some way or another, cunning. While each species shows this side in different manners, it isn’t often that you’ll find one without a hidden motive. They are most known for their scaly exteriors that act as natural armor.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You're agile and charismatic. You gain a +1 to Dexterity and a +1 to your Charisma (to a max of 20).

Natural Armor

You have scales that protect you as a form of natural armor. Your AC is increased by 2.

Natural Deceivers

Ever the sly-talkers, Reptilians are incredibly adept at convincing people when they have an ulterior motive. You have advantage on Deception.
race features:

Species Specialties

Turtles and Tortoises receive different damage resistances and bonuses:
Turtles have 20 ft swimming speed and resistance to cold damage.
Tortoises have +2 increased AC due to their sturdier shells and resistance to heat damage.

Shell Armor

Your tough shell provides a natural resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.

Slow & Steady

Slow and steady may win races in fables, but in reality you are significantly slower than other Reptilians (this applies to movement, speech, and aging). Your walking speed is 10feet.You have +1 Wisdom due to your long lifespan but disadvantage on Charisma checks due to your slow way of speaking.