
Salamander Amphibians stand apart from their Frog and Toad cousins within the diverse Amphibia community, distinguished by their taller stature, long tails, and affinity for warmer environments. While sharing the laidback demeanor characteristic of their kinfolk, Salamanders possess unique traits that set them apart within their society.

Physical Characteristics

  Salamanders typically boast a taller and more slender physique compared to other Amphibian subraces, with elongated bodies and distinctive long tails. These tails serve a dual purpose, providing both enhanced balance and a means of propulsion in their aquatic habitats. Their sleek, streamlined forms and agile movements make them well-suited for navigating through the dense foliage and murky waters of their homelands.

Preference for Hotter Environments

  Unlike their counterparts, salamanders exhibit a preference for hotter climates, thriving in environments with elevated temperatures. This inclination towards warmth is reflected not only in their choice of habitat but also in their personalities. While generally laidback and easygoing, salamanders possess a latent fiery temperament that becomes apparent when provoked or agitated.

Temperament and Behavior

  Salamanders are known for their calm and collected demeanor, approaching life with a relaxed attitude and an appreciation for the simple pleasures it offers. However, when their temper flares, they are capable of becoming excessively heated, displaying bursts of fiery emotion that contrast with their usual tranquility. Despite these occasional outbursts, Salamanders are generally amiable and approachable, forming strong bonds with their fellow Amphibians and contributing to the harmony of their communities.

Interactions with Other Races

  Salamanders interact harmoniously with other subraces within the Amphibia community, leveraging their unique traits and abilities to forge alliances and establish diplomatic relations. Their affinity for warmer climates makes them valuable allies in regions where other subraces may struggle to thrive, as they offer insights and adaptations suited to their preferred environments.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


The Salamander Amphibians are taller than their Frog and Toad cousins and notably have long tails which increases their sense of balance. Salamanders also differ from other Amphibians as they tend to prefer hotter environments. This is reflected in their personalities; while generally laidback like other Amphibians, when a Salamander's temper flares they are known to get excessively heated.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 10ft Walking/Climbing, 20ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


Amphibians consist of newts, salamanders, frogs, toads, axolotls, etc. They are a peaceful and reclusive race who prefer the company of others of their kind in the swamplands and rainforests they tend to settle in. They prefer to spend their days playing among nature, collecting fruit, and socializing with their kinfolk. As many a potential foe has learned, however, they are skilled warriors in their own right when in defense of their land. They can be somewhat skittish around unfamiliar faces at times, but are typically happy and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 10ft Walking/Climbing, 20ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:


The key distinction of your race is the ability of all members to breathe both on land and underwater.

Standing Leap

Your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.

Prehensile Tongue

An Amphibians tongue is long and dexterous, able to manipulate objects as if using the spell mage hand. However, the range of their tongue is limited to 10 feet and can go no further unless the Amphibian themself moves. All the usual rules and limitations of the spell mage hand otherwise applys.
You can also use your tongue to grapple an enemy; Normal rules for grappling apply.
The tongue can be used to deliver touch spells for relevant classes.
race features:

Fire Resistance

Due to evolving in extreme heat environments, your species has developed a natural fire resistance.