
Toad Amphibians are the hardworking and down-to-earth members of the larger Amphibian community, distinguished by their stout stature and gruff demeanor. Despite their reputation as the "ugly" and often grumpy cousins of their more agile Frog relatives, Toads play a vital role within their society.

Physical Characteristics

  Toads are characterized by their sturdy build, featuring robust bodies and shorter limbs compared to their Frog counterparts. Their appearance often includes warty skin and a distinctively stout posture, reflecting their terrestrial lifestyle. While they may lack the vibrant colors and slender features of Frogs, Toads possess a rugged charm and resilience suited for life on land.

Work Ethic and Lifestyle

  Renowned for their strong work ethic, toads are often found engaging in laborious tasks within their communities, ranging from agriculture and construction to resource gathering and craftsmanship. Despite their gruff exterior, they take pride in their contributions to the well-being of their kinfolk, demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
  Toads prefer a simpler way of life, opting to keep to themselves and maintain a sense of independence within their settlements. While they may not seek out social interactions as eagerly as their Frog counterparts, they value loyalty and reliability among their peers, forming tight-knit bonds within their close-knit communities.

Interactions with Other Races

  Though Toads may appear aloof at times, they maintain amicable relations with other races within the Amphibian community and beyond. Their practicality and pragmatism make them valued allies in times of need, as they offer steadfast support and unwavering determination in pursuit of common goals.
  Despite occasional tensions with more extroverted subraces, such as Frogs, Toads contribute to the diverse tapestry of Amphibian society with their unique skills and perspectives. Their grounded approach to life serves as a stabilizing force within their communities, fostering resilience and solidarity in the face of challenges.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


Toads are the ugly and often grumpy cousins of their Amphibian relatives. They tend to be harder workers than their Frog cousins, but are otherwise generally down-to-earth folk who prefer to keep to themselves.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 10ft Walking/Climbing, 20ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


Amphibians consist of newts, salamanders, frogs, toads, axolotls, etc. They are a peaceful and reclusive race who prefer the company of others of their kind in the swamplands and rainforests they tend to settle in. They prefer to spend their days playing among nature, collecting fruit, and socializing with their kinfolk. As many a potential foe has learned, however, they are skilled warriors in their own right when in defense of their land. They can be somewhat skittish around unfamiliar faces at times, but are typically happy and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Small
speed: 10ft Walking/Climbing, 20ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:


The key distinction of your race is the ability of all members to breathe both on land and underwater.

Standing Leap

Your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.

Prehensile Tongue

An Amphibians tongue is long and dexterous, able to manipulate objects as if using the spell mage hand. However, the range of their tongue is limited to 10 feet and can go no further unless the Amphibian themself moves. All the usual rules and limitations of the spell mage hand otherwise applys.
You can also use your tongue to grapple an enemy; Normal rules for grappling apply.
The tongue can be used to deliver touch spells for relevant classes.
race features:

Tough Skin

Your tough, warty skin provides a thick layer of natural armor (+2 AC), but the ugly warts disgust others and you have disadvantage on CHA checks.