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Fourth T'Kiri-Fevarian War

The Fourth T'Kiri-Fevarian War was a large-scale conflict fought between the Republic of Fevaria and the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium in 152 GE. This war was the shortest of all the T'Kiri-Fevarian Wars, lasting only nine months with a majority of the ground fighting having taken place on the planet of Kuatio within the first two weeks.

The Conflict


After the Third T'Kiri-Fevarian War, the T'Kiri Imperium remained incredibly bitter due to the defeat inflicted upon them and their attempts to conquer more of Fevaria. This tension ramped up in late 151 GE, when T'Kiri scout vessels began violating Fevarian space at points all along the border, prompting a small political crises and a period of military repositioning in Fevaria. Fevarian President Cal J'Khanna declared famously that "No amount of posturing will deter us. The Fevarian people are ready for anything."


False alarms and increasingly agressive statements from first the Imperium and then Fevaria resulted in even more military redeployments on both sides. The planet of Kuatio saw the most heavy bolstering of defenses out of all planets on the border, with units such as the 21st Fevarian Marine Corps Division under Grand General Zennab being placed on high alert and undergoing numerous combat drills on the planet. This, however, began too late, as the T'Kiri Navy launched a surprise attack on the morning of 152.2.19.


The T'Kiri Royal Navy preformed stunningly well under the command of seasoned admirals and other naval officers, despite being outnumbered and outgunned. The initial surprise attack and resulting Second Battle of the Kuatio System was a decisive victory for T'Kiri ships, and allowed large amounts of space, air, and ground assets to establish secure footholds on the surface of Kuatio. This battle effectively cut off Kuatio from any support for 3 days while ground forces did their work.
On 152.2.23, the bulk of the remaining Fevarian navy and a small number of Yarmorian vessels committed themselves to a counterattack that succesfully allowed the evacuation of much of the civilian population of Kuatio, as well as providing the situation necessary for Thrasher Squad 7 of the Fevarian Marines to pull off a prisoner rescue from the EDS Dracolich, helmed by the feared Maj. General Leetarmi. TS7- already Medal of Valor recipients at this point- eliminated Leetarmi and disrupted the intelligence and chain of command enough to buy perhaps days more time for the evacuation of Kuatio to be completed.
After the Third Battle of the Kuatio System, smaller-scale engagements extended throughout the region for much of the duration of the war. Naval battles in this conflict saw the first large-scale deployments of the new Dreadnought class of warships, as well as some of the most brutal ship-to-ship combat seen to date.

Ground combat was almost entirely fought exclusively on Kuatio with only small units of soldiers fighting for control of other stations and outposts in neighboring systems. The T'Kiri made large use of space-to-surface bombardments as well as many highly mobile units to keep the pressure on Fevarian defensive positions. This war on the ground also saw the first deployments of the Imperium's next-generation battle mechs, capable of increased maneuverability and firepower. Fevaria largely relied on their stockpile of, for the most part, modern armored units, artillery, and surface-to-air defenses to hold positions in populated areas. The Fevarian Army Rangers also saw heavy fighting in the forests near the regions around Kaleb City and Fort Bayci.


The Kenjodan would lose their beloved planet of Kuatio as a direct result of this war, and immediately following the declaration of peace, Fevaria began seeking more cooperation with countries such as the Yarmorian Imperial Union and Aeon Federation.
Millions of Fevarians were left homeless and a period of overcrowding and poverty began on several planets, but nowhere was the situation worse than on Fevaria Station. In particular many children were left orphaned or without contact with relatives, and had nowhere to go.

Historical Significance


The Fourth T’Kiri-Fevarian War serves as a wake up call to the Kenjodan that even when they hold a military advantage in both numbers and technology, that isn’t enough by itself to win a war. Fevaria rebuilds, and further emboldened by the capture of a second major planet, Fevaria strengthens its ties with the Yarmorian Empire and the Aeon Federation, hoping that with more diverse strategic minds, a repeat of Orassia or Kuatio will never happen again. The star featured on the Fevarian flag that represented the Kenjodan homeworld of Orassia was joined by a second star to represent the now lost planet of Kuatio.
Stories of heroism like that of Thrasher Squad 7 spread throughout the media, and instead of being disheartened, the people of Fevaria grew ever more resolved to their ultimate goal of defeating the Keerim and taking back Orassia- though now Kuatio became a part of that goal. Cal J'Khanna went on to win another two terms in office, succesfully uniting many political factions in support of the larger tasks at hand.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Fevarian Defeat



~130,000,000 Personnel

Fleet Strength: ~280 Non-Patrol-Class Warships
~108,000,000 Soldiers
~250,000,000 Militia Fighters/Reservists

Fleet Strength: 364 Non-Patrol-Class Warships


Injuries: ~15,280,000

Deaths: ~6,120,000
Military Injuries: ~17,460,000

Military Deaths: ~5,990,000

Civilian Deaths: ~21,500,000


Capture Kuatio
Defend Kuatio


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